LP360 and ESRI Dump Files


If LP360 for Windows, or LP360 for ArcGIS experiences a program crash what steps should then be taken to make use of the crash dump files to help determine why the crash occurred?


The best way to determine why LP360 experienced a program crash is to locate the program error report and dump files and send the report either automatically or manually to LP360 Support (LP360dump@LP360.com). The process for doing so is based upon the particular software.

LP360 (32 and 64-bit)

When LP360 for Windows crashes and generates an error report it displays a crash report window.

Dialogue to submit the crash dump file
LP360 Crash Dump Dialog

To send the dump file directly to LP360 follow steps below:

1)      Input e-mail information

2)      Describe in a few words an explanation of what was occurring when the crash happened (for example classifying ground data)

3)      To have the program restart check the box to “Restart LP360…after this window is closed.”

4)      Click the “Send Report” button to have the report automatically sent to LP360 customer support 

If the machine running LP360 is not connected to the internet, does not have a default mail client, or cannot send using the mail client please manually Zip and submit to LP360dump@LP360.com the crash report that can be found in a long alphanumeric folder located in “%AppData%\LP360″. Prior to LP360 v2018.1, the information is only available while the crash dump dialog is still open. Starting with v2018.1 LP360 no longer automatically deletes the crash dump information.

LPViewer (32 and 64-bit)

When LPViewer crashes and generates an error report it displays a crash report window. To send the dump file directly to LP360 follow the steps below:

1)      Input e-mail information

2)      Describe in a few words an explanation of what was occurring when the crash happened (for example classifying ground data)

3)      To have the program restart check the box to “Restart LP360…after this window is closed.”

4)      Click the “Send Report” button to have the report automatically sent to LP360 customer support 

If the machine running LPViewer is not connected to the internet, does not have a default mail client, or cannot send using the mail client please manually Zip and submit to LP360dump@LP360.com the crash report that can be found in a long alphanumeric folder located in “%AppData%\LP360″. The information is only available while the crash dump dialog is still open. Prior to LP360 v2018.1, the information is only available while the crash dump dialog is still open. Starting with v2018.1 LP360 no longer automatically deletes the crash dump information.

LP360 for ArcGIS

LP360 for ArcGIS inputs information into the ArcGIS dump files. The dump files can be found at the following locations based upon information provided by ESRI:

Windows 7 and newer operating systems, the crash dump files (.dmp) can be found at the following local hard drive location within the application data of the user profile:

ArcGIS 10.0:


ArcGIS 10.1 – 10.8:


When using the Windows XP operating system, the crash dump files (.dmp) can be found at this location:

C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\ESRI\ErrorReports

Once the file has been located it can then be e-mailed as an attachment to LP360 customer support (LP360dump@LP360.com) for further debugging. An explanation of what was occurring when the crashed happened is helpful and encouraged. 

Additional Comments

If you have any questions about the information provided in this article, please contact support@lp360.com at any time.


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