LP360/True View EVO Feature Matrix 2021.1

Introduction: LP360 and True View EVO are a family of point cloud exploitation tools for both native Windows (“standalone”) and the ArcGIS® desktop platform.  LP360 for ArcGIS is the world’s most popular extension to ArcGIS for point cloud visualization, editing and information extraction tool set for ArcMap®.  Like ArcGIS itself, it is a 32-bit application.  LP360 for ArcGIS…


BigTIFF file conversion for CAD package import

When generating a GeoTIFF Ortho using Metashape through LP360, the initial file is written in BigTIFF format which is incompatible with some CAD software packages, including Civil3D. There are also size considerations to be factored in as orthos that are generated in TIFF format are subject to the 32-bit size limit of 4GB. This article…


Importing Many LAS files in LP360

LP360 and True View Evo can handle importing many LAS files to a single LAS Layer, however, there is a limitation for importing many LAS files at one time using the normal Microsoft browse files dialog that is used by the typical add files process. If the user hits this limit, an “Inadequate Buffer Allocation:…


Executing task(s) failed (8690)

Receive an error message, “Executing task(s) failed (8690)” while trying to execute a Point Cloud Task. LP360 ErrorExecuting task(s) failed. (8690)Exception Information:HRESULT: 0x80004005Unable to retrieve extended COM error information. This is a catch all error message that generally occurs when something caused the PCT to fail in its execution. Verify the parameters for the desired…
