QCoherent Software, LLC

Feature Analyst Options

The Feature Analyst Options dialog contains three main tabs where the user may control the behavior of the Feature Analyst's feature analysis and editing. These are the General, Navigation, and Analysis tabs. The user sets test parameters here to be executed by clicking the 'Analyze' button on the Feature Analyst Dialog. Check columns and test columns are added to each applicable tab of the Feature Analyst dialog. A green check indicates a successful test and a red 'X' indicates a failed test. Clicking on the row will highlight the corresponding features, parts, and vertices in the other tabs (if applicable). If an analysis test is not applicable to a feature, then the column will not appear there. For example, if a feature is 2D then the vertical tests are not applicable.




About the 'Reset...' 'Load...' and 'Save...' buttons:

These buttons allow the user to Reset (bring Options settings back to their defaults), Load a Feature Analyst Options Settings (set of test parameters) .xml file, and Save the Feature Analyst Options Settings (set of test parameters) as a .xml file. This allows the user to share test settings with other LP360 users.

Note: The Load and Save commands will always default to the user common APPDATA folder: ("...\LP360\FeatureAnalystSettings\").