QCoherent Software, LLC

Feature Edit Tab

About the Feature Edit Tab

The Feature Edit Tab comprises all of the tools that allow users to create, delete, and edit features.

Note The Feature Edit Tab is only available in LP360 for Windows® and is not included in the ArcGIS Extension.
Note You may navigate in the profile window with the Shift key while using any of these tools.
Note In the Map Window, hold down Shift while editing to enable panning with the right mouse button and zooming with the left mouse button (or scroll wheel).

Select/Edit Features (by Feature, Polygon, or Lasso)
Feature Layer Select

Save Feature Edits
Discard Edit Session
Create Feature Layer
Create Feature
Create Seawall Feature
Feature Geometry Menu
Create Features from Selected Features
Buffer Geometry
Union Geometry
Intersect Geometry
Assemble Multipart Features
Disassemble Multipart Feature
Select/Edit Vertices
Add Vertex
Delete Vertex
Reshape Geometry
Split Geometry
Merge Line
Simplify Geometry
Respace Geometry
Reverse Geometry
Double Line Drain
Auto Z Mode (Off, Surface Mode)
Auto Z Mode (Off, Constant Mode)
Show Feature Analyst Dialog
Schema Editor
Show Feature Edit Options Dialog
Undo / Redo Feature Edits
Delete Selected Features