QCoherent Software, LLC

Feature Analyst Dialog

The Feature Analyst Dialog button shortcut on the Feature Edit toolbar allows users to view/edit the attributes of features, parts and tabs on the current layer. Feature Analyst links feature analysis directly to editing features, so that any errors found in the user's data may be immediately corrected with the editing tools.

About the Feature Analyst Dialog

Once the user has brought up the Feature Analyst Dialog via the Feature Edit Toolbar or the TOC feature layer right-click menu, he can select features in the map view to view/edit their attributes by using the Feature Edit tool or one of the Vertex Edit tools on the Feature Edit toolbar. Then, the user simply double-clicks the appropriate feature's cell he wishes to edit on the Features, Parts, or Vertices tabs. The user can sort on a particular column by clicking it. If a user selects a row (or rows) on a particular tab, then that row's corresponding features, parts, or vertices (whichever may apply) will be auto-selected in the other tabs and also in the Map View. In addition, the Edit Feature and Edit Vertex tools are  synchronized with Feature Analyst and are automatically engaged when a feature or vertex is selected for editing. So, there is total synchronization between the Map View and each of the tabs on the Feature Analyst Dialog. Feature Analyst also synchronizes based on Auto-Z and shift geometry right-click commands accordingly.

 The Title Bar of the dialog will display (Editing) when there exist pending edits for the current feature layer displayed in the dialog.

Note The Attribute Editor is only available in LP360 for Windows® and is not included in the Arc Extension.

Overview of the Features Tab

Feature List - Features will be listed within the body of the dialog. Double-click within an attribute to alter the information inside of it. You can click within a column label to re-organize the features in ascending or descending alphabetical/numerical order.

Bidirectional Selection - With the Feature Analyst dialog open, selecting a field will highlight that field both within the dialog and within the map view.

Multi-Edit - You may select multiple rows by clicking on multiple features while holding the Shift or Ctrl keys. Right clicking within one of the selected fields allows you to edit all the selected attributes within that column at once.

Image Viewer

The Features tab of the Feature Analyst dialog also displays images based on the Attribute values defined in the options dialog.

Image Viewer Right-Click Menu

Fit - Fits image to viewer.

Display 1:1 - Displays image at highest possible resolution by displaying  1 screen pixel is 1 picture pixel. Centers click location.

Copy to Clipboard - Copies the image to teh Windows clipboard so it can be pasted into another program

Copy Image Files  - Lets you save the original image file to another location

EXIF  Information - Opens a dialog with the images EXIF information

Overview of the Parts Tab

The Parts Tab allows the user to view the separate "parts" of a feature. Some shape features have multiple parts (such as an island chain in this example dialog), where the user might need to view/select the separate parts that make up a feature. If a row is selected in the Parts tab, its corresponding Feature will be selected in the Features tab. Users may multi-select on the Parts tab.

Overview of the Vertices Tab

The Vertices Tab, as the name suggests, lists all the vertices of the features on the feature layer. Simply click a column heading to sort based on it and double click to edit a cell on rows of vertices. If a user is in Vertex Edit mode, the Profile View will center on the vertex selected in the Vertices tab. The tab responds to Vertex Move operations performed in the Map View, with the vertex coordinates and statistical columns updating accordingly. The Slope, XY Angle, and Z Angle columns are particularly useful for finding sudden spikes up or down in stockpile toes (potential errors). Users may multi-select on the Parts tab.


  • Schema Editor is prevented from running while the Feature Analyst Dialog is displayed.
  • A progress bar will appear in at the bottom of the dialog when running analysis tests on large numbers of features.