GeoCue: Generic 1001 Error During Installation

While installing the GeoCue Server, GeoCue Federator Server or GeoCue Client Software, what does the generic Windows Error 1001 indicate?
This error indicates that one of a few things may be occurring:

1)      The Username was not entered correctly, or the user entered is not a valid user on the domain/machine, and Windows was unable to authenticate the username/password combination that was entered. The installation will be rolled back and you will need to restart from the MasterSetup.

i)      The username should be entered using one of the options below:

a.       On a constellation running without a domain, ie workgroup: Username = “machinename\username”

b.      On a constellation running under a domain: Username = “domain\username”

2)      There is a space in the path to the MasterSetup.EXE. The installation will be rolled back and you will need to restart from the MasterSetup after moving the GeoCue installers to a location where there are no spaces in the path. For instance, installers residing at “C:\GeoCue Installation” would cause this error to occur, whereas, “C:\GeoCue_Installation” would install correctly.

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