Silent Install Option for GeoCue Client and CuePacs

The GeoCue Server has no option to do silent install of it or any of its components. However, as of GeoCue 2017 one may once again use silent installs for the GeoCue Client and CuePacs.

GeoCue Client Installation Batch File

echo off
rem *** The following commands need to be RUN AS ADMIN ***
rem Install the GeoCue Client software
rem This also installs the 'GeoCue Dispatch' service. However, it is installed with the 'Log on as' set to "Local System account" (instead of "This account"), by default. Also, the service does not get started automatically after the install.
rem The values for the GCSERVICEUSER and GCSERVICEPASSWORD parameters below correspond to the username and password that one enters on the 'Set Service Login' dialog during an interactive GeoCue Client installation session. Do not enclose the values for the GCSERVICEUSER and GCSERVICEPASSWORD parameters within single/double quotes.
msiexec.exe /i "<location of the GeoCue Client MSI file>" INSTALLDIR="target installation location" /qn GCSERVICEUSER=<username> GCSERVICEPASSWORD=<password>

rem Example:
rem msiexec.exe /i "<source folder containing the MSI>\GeoCue Client.msi" INSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files\GeoCue\GeoCue Client" /qn GCSERVICEUSER=myUsername GCSERVICEPASSWORD=myPassword
rem Change the 'Log on as' for the GeoCue Dispatch service to "This account" with the required login credentials
rem Note the 'space' between the equal (=) sign and the value of the username/password fields. Also, enclode the values for the username and password within double quotes.

sc config "GeoCue Dispatch" obj= "&lt;username&gt;" password= "&lt;password&gt;"

rem Example:
rem config "GeoCue Dispatch" obj= "myUsername" password= "myPassword"

rem Start the GeoCue Dispatch service
net start "GeoCue Dispatch"

GeoCue LIDAR 1 CuePac Installation Batch File

echo off
rem *** The following commands need to be RUN AS ADMIN ***
rem Install LiDAR 1 CuePac
msiexec.exe /i "<location of the LiDAR 1 CuePac MSI file>" INSTALLDIR="target installation location" /qn
rem Example -->
rem msiexec.exe /i "<source folder containing the MSI>\LIDAR 1 CuePac.msi" INSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files\GeoCue\LIDAR 1 CuePac" /qn</div>
<div>rem Install DEM CuePac
msiexec.exe /i "<location of the LiDAR 1 CuePac MSI file>" INSTALLDIR="target installation location" /qn
rem Example -->
rem msiexec.exe /i "<source folder containing the MSI>\DEM CuePac.msi" INSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files\GeoCue\DEM CuePac" /qn</div>

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