Profile Export Properties

About Profile Export Properties

You must select an export file to export profiles to before exporting profiles. The current supported file formats are 3D Polyline Shapefiles, AutoCAD DXF, MicroStation DGN, and ASCII XYZ files.

If a pre-existing file is selected, profiles are appended to that file. Otherwise a new file is created. If XYZ files are selected, each line concludes with an “end” statement in order to differentiate between profile lines in the file.

How to Setup Export Properties

Export Properties Command

  1. Click the Export Properties command from the Profile Window.
  2. The Export Properties dialog will appear.
  3. Click the Browse (…) button and specify a file to which to export profiles.
  4. Select OK, to confirm the setup.
  5. If the file is not already included in the map, select “Yes” to add the file to the map, or “No” to prevent the file from being added to the map.

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