Extracting Point Counts

About Extracting Point Counts

When using the Point Cloud Statistics Extractor one may toggle various point counts that are tallied during the summarizing of the point cloud. The following describes the type of point counts you may export and each field name associated with that count:

  • Point Count (PntCnt): the number of total points used in the summary.
  • Point Source/Flightline Counts (PSCnt): the number of unique point source or flight line values.
  • Per Point Source/Flightline Counts (PSCnt_#): the number of points within each unique point source or flight line value
  • Number of Classes Used (NumCLUsed): the number of unique classification values.
  • Per Classification Counts (CLCnt_#): the number of points within each unique classification.
  • Number of Return Numbers Used (RNUsed): the number of unique return number values.
  • Per Return Number Counts (RNCnt_#): the number of points within each unique return number.
  • Per Number of Returns Counts (NRCnt_#): the number of points within each unique number of returns (if grouping by number of returns).
  • Per User Data Value Counts (UDCnt_#): the number of points within each unique user data value (if grouping by user data).

How to Extract Point Counts

Point Count Checkboxes

  1. On the Point Cloud Statistics Extractor property page, click the checkbox associated with the point count you wish to extract.
  2. Click the ‘Apply’ button to commit the changes.

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