GeoCue Adds Project Archiving in v2017 Release

One of the common requests we receive from our GeoCue users is to add the ability to archive or off-line projects when they are completed.  Once a project has been completed and fully delivered to the customer, it needs to be transferred effectively out of production operations to an enterprise data archive.  Archiving a completed project frees critical IT resources such as primary disk storage and simplifies operational back-up processes while providing an auditable compliance trail for any corporate or customer-required data retention policies.  It also reduces the burden on on-going production staff of having to maintain and track historical projects, often for years after they are completed, in your live production database.  Archiving can also reduce your overall business risk by adding another layer of data loss prevention by archiving to an off-site facility or to the cloud.

It is important to note that “archiving” is not the same as “backup” and archiving not intended to be used to replace a robust production data back-up and versioning policy.  GeoCue already has automatic file backup and file versioning tools built-in to the GeoCue architecture.  These existing backup tools are intended to provide short-term data recovery or rollback capabilities for live production projects.  They are essentially error recovery tools for restoring data files while a project is still in production.  Archiving or off-lining is intended to be used only at the end of a projects production life cycle as part of your data retention policy.  As such, the new archiving tool in GeoCue extends the existing back-up and versioning tools already available, it does not replace them.  Using both as part of your enterprise data management strategy will be of significant benefit.

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