GeoCue User Guide

About this Document

Welcome to the GeoCue User Guide for GeoCue 2020.

Please note that CuePacs are documented in separate user guides.


1 Introduction

2 An Overview of GeoCue
2.1 GeoCue Functions
2.2 GeoCue Interface

3 User Manager
3.1 Starting User Manager
3.2 Changing the Administrator Password
3.3 Adding New Users
3.4 Adding New Groups

4 License Manager
4.1 License Serial Numbers
4.2 GeoCue Client Licenses
4.3 Module Licenses
4.4 Forced License Release

5 License Monitor
5.1 License Usage

6 Exploring GeoCue
6.1 Setting the Environment
6.2 Loading a Project
6.3 Elements of the GeoCue Interface
6.3.1 The Project ID
6.3.2 The Menu Bar
6.3.3 Accessing the Help System
6.3.4 Finding Version Numbers
6.3.5 Setting GeoCue Options
6.3.6 The Layer Legend
6.3.7 The GeoCue Toolbars
6.3.8 The Checklist and Checklist Details Panes
6.3.9 The Property Pane

7 Data Storage and GeoCue
7.1 A Discussion of Data Types
7.1.1 Metadata
7.1.2 GeoCue Internal File-based Data
7.1.3 GeoCue Caches
7.1.4 GeoCue Reference Data
7.2 GeoCue Physical Files
7.3 GeoCue Warehouses
7.3.1 Accessing the GeoCue Warehouses Management Dialog
7.3.2 Adding a Warehouse
7.3.3 Removing a Warehouse
7.3.4 Viewing/Changing Warehouse Allocations
7.4 How GeoCue Stores Project File-based Data
7.5 Warehouse Configuration Recommendations

8 Basic GeoCue Concepts
8.1 Multiuser Aspects
8.2 Selecting in GeoCue
8.2.1 Activating/Deactivating Selectability
8.2.2 Single Entity Selection
8.2.3 Selecting by Dragging a Rectangle
8.2.4 Select by Polygon
8.2.5 Selecting from the legend
8.2.6 Select by Intersection or Containment
8.2.7 Filtering Selection Sets
8.3 The Working Set Queue
8.4 Manipulating Layers
8.5 Quick Zoom and Pan
8.6 Map View Background Color
8.7 Changing the View Stacking Order
8.8 Entity Properties and States
8.8.1 Properties
8.8.2 File Collections
8.8.3 Extended Information
8.9 Checklists and Status
8.10 Checklists and Processing History
8.10.1 Planning Data
8.10.2 Actual Production Statistics
8.10.3 Processing History
8.11 Checklists and Processing

9 Queues and Annotations

10 GeoCue Layers
10.1 An Overview of Layers
10.3 Creating and Deleting Layers in GeoCue
10.4 The Create Layer Dialog
10.5 Export Layer Geometry
10.6 Layer Properties
10.6.1 General
10.6.2 Display
10.6.3 Processing

11 GeoCue Coordinate Systems 
11.1 The Project Coordinate System
11.2 Map Coordinate Systems
11.2.1 Setting the Active Map Coordinate System
11.2.2 Adding to the list of Map Coordinate Systems
11.2.3 Setting the Default Coordinate System for New Layers 
11.2.4 Filtering the Coordinate System List
11.2.5 Data Export and the Active Map Coordinate System
11.3 Datum Transformations
11.3.1 System Default Datum Transformations
11.3.2 Accessing the Datum Transformations Definition Dialog
11.3.3 Defining Datum Transformations 
11.3.4 Just-in-Time Datum Transformation Definition 
11.3.5 Approving/Disapproving Datum Transformations 
11.3.6 Vertical Systems and Datum Transformations 
11.4 Layer Coordinate Systems
11.4.1 Defining the Coordinate System of a Layer
11.4.2 Layer Coordinate System Symbology
11.5 Changing the Coordinate Readout
11.6 Two Dimensional Coordinate Systems
11.7 Setting a Map Scale
11.8 Vertical Transformations in GeoCue
11.9 Adjust to Geoid

12 GeoCue Entities
12.1 Preparing for the Examples
12.2 The Create Entity Dialog
12.3 Digitize Polygon
12.4 Key-in Rectangle
12.5 Creating a Project Boundary based on an entity
12.6 Creating a Project Boundary based on Selection Set MBR
12.7 Digitizing a Project Boundary
12.8 Key-in of non-project coordinates
12.9 The Gridding Tool
12.9.1 Grid Extent
12.9.2 Clip to Selected Polygon
12.9.3 Grid Rotation
12.9.4 Grid Alignment/Origin
12.9.5 Tile Parameters
12.10 Creating Entities from Imported Files
12.10.1 CAD Import 
12.10.2 Shape File Import
12.11 Summary

13 Associativity (Linking)
13.1 Defining Links
13.2 The Link Toolbar
13.3 Make Link
13.4 Break Link
13.4.1 Source Mode
13.4.2 Link Settings 
13.4.3 Unlink 
13.4.4 Unlink all Targets
13.4.5 Selective Target Unlink
13.5 Trace Link
13.5.1 Trace Type
13.5.2 Link Settings 
13.5.3 Trace (button)
13.6 Quick Trace
13.7 Delete Link Queues
13.8 Validate Link
13.9 Link Options
13.9.1 Make/Break Tab
13.9.2 Trace Tab
13.9.3 Validate Tab
13.9.4 Link Utilities Tab
13.10 Common Linking Problems
13.10.1 Link Restriction Violations
13.10.2 Circular Links
13.11 Summary

14 GeoAnalysis and GeoDraw Tools
14.1 Basic Entity Construction Techniques
14.1.1 Direct Drawing
14.1.2 Minimum Bounding Rectangle tools
14.1.3 Polygon Geometry Operators
14.1.4 Buffer Zones
14.2 Building Composite Templates
14.2.1 Building a simple corridor
14.2.2 Partitioning a Polygon
14.2.3 Gridding a Polygon
14.3 Direction Arrows
14.4 Summary

15 Command Dispatch System (D)
15.1 The Command Dispatch System in GeoCue Departmental Server
15.2 Dispatch Invocation
15.3 The Dispatch Dialog
15.3.1 Schedule
15.3.2 Machine Mode
15.3.3 Cluster Mode
15.4 Machine/Cluster Tables
15.4.1 Machine Table Fields
15.4.2 Cluster Table Fields
15.5 Command Dispatch System Tool Tray Tool
15.6 Monitoring Dispatched Tasks
15.6.1 Tasks Table
15.6.2 Sub Task Dispatch Status Summary
15.6.3 Subtasks Table
15.7 Clearing Rows from the Tasks Pane
15.8 Rescheduling a Task
15.9 Pausing a Task
15.10 Terminating a Task
15.11 Modifying a Subtask (GeoCue Administrators Only)
15.12 Creating Entity Queues
15.13 Monitoring Machine Activity

16 Entity Manager
16.1 Invoking Entity Manager
16.2 Selecting In Entity Manager – Overview .
16.3 The Entity Manager Toolbar
16.4 Sorting and Filtering
16.5 Selecting Entities
16.6 Computing the Planimetric (X, Y) Coordinates of Entities
16.7 Adding and Removing Entities to/from the Working Set
16.8 Renaming Entities and/or Changing Entity Descriptions
16.8.1 Renaming Entities 
16.8.2 Changing Entity Descriptions 
16.9 Query
16.9.1 Pre-Filtering 
16.9.2 Query Extended Info 
16.9.3 Query Step Status
16.10 Edit Extended Info
16.10.1 Preparing to Edit Fields
16.10.2 Modifying Fields
16.11 Entity Manager Summary

17 Project Properties and Access Privileges 
17.1 Project File Storage
17.2 Assign Users and Groups

18 The Madison Project
18.1 Creating a Project
18.1.1 Selecting the Horizontal System
18.1.2 Selecting the Vertical System
18.1.3 Completing the Project Creation
18.2 Setting the Environment

19 Control Points 
19.1 The Generic ASCII Format
19.2 Loading a Control Point File
19.3 Navigating through Control Points
19.4 Control Point Summary

20 Reference Rasters
20.1 Raster that requires cropping
20.1.1 Loading the Raster
20.1.2 Manipulating Rasters, Legend Display 
20.1.3 Setting a Clipping Region
20.2 Deleting Rasters
20.3 Mixed Projection Rasters
20.4 Experimenting with a Mixed Raster Project

21 General Notes about Rasters and GeoCue
21.1 GeoCue does not Support Raster Reprojection
21.2 Tiled TIFF, External Overviews
21.3 Collections of Raster vs. Single Rasters

22 The Annotation Subsystem 
22.1 What are Annotations?
22.2 Annotation Locks
22.3 Annotation Types
22.4 The Annotation Checklist
22.5 The Annotation Tools
22.6 Creating Annotation Example
22.6.1 One-to-one Annotation
22.6.2 Group Annotation
22.6.3 Free-form Annotations
22.7 Reviewing Annotations
22.8 Resolving Annotations
22.8.1 Resolving a Non-locking Annotation
22.8.2 Resolving a Locking Annotation
22.8.3 Resolving a Free Annotation
22.9 Finalizing the Annotation Resolution

23 Project Utilities
23.1 Archiving

24 Concluding Remarks


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