GeoCue visits the Ohio/Indiana UAS Center and Test Complex

Martin Flood (GeoCue Canada) and I visited the Oho/Indiana UAS Center and Test Complex in Springfield, Ohio this past week. We were invited by Mr. Fred Judson of the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) to give a presentation at a small technical exchange meeting devoted to the topics of the legal framework for sUAS, mission planning and extracting metric point clouds from small, uncalibrated cameras. GeoCue gave a presentation on a comparison of photo correlated digital surface models (PCDSM) to LIDAR point clouds.
The Ohio/Indiana UAS Center and Test Complex is a fabulous facility located on the outskirts of Springfield, Ohio. Operating under the auspices of the Ohio Department of Transportation, the center is devoted to increasing the economic vitality of Indiana and Ohio through the emerging business opportunities in unmanned aerial systems. The center is directed by Mr. Richard Honneywell, an engaging and energetic fellow with very deep expertise in aviation systems procurement.

GeoCue visits the Ohio Indiana UAS Center and Test Complex


Lewis Graham has written 62 articles