Getting Under Control!

An important aspect of planning and executing a small Unmanned Aerial Systems (sUAS) mapping project is planning and collecting ground control and check points. We are a software and systems company, not a services company so we have limited tools (and knowledge, for that matter) for carrying out this part of a mission. Nevertheless, we really like to make sure we know at least a little bit about what we are preaching so in June, we set off on a control collection project.

Jim Meadlock, chairman of GeoCue Group, owns a farm about 20 miles from the GeoCue offices. This serves as a nice testing ground for our various outdoor projects. I don’t know if Jim has a name for the farm but we will refer to it as AirGon Proving Grounds (APG)! We recently visited APG to do some field testing. Our mission was to collect some ground control and check points (“ground truth”).

Getting Under Control


Lewis Graham has written 62 articles