Large voids when displaying point cloud data in LP360


User sees large voids when displaying point cloud data in LP360. This usually occurs when combining dense and sparse point cloud datasets or displaying terrestrial scanner points clouds. The reason points don’t display properly is that points close to each other spatially are not physically near to one another in the LAS file structure. Here are a few options to help with this display issue:

Probable Resolution #1:

The simplest resolution is to use the “Force 100% Resolution” option in LP360. If you are zoomed out, this could negatively impact performance or cause an overflow in the display (OVF), so use it cautiously. This option usually works better when you are zoomed in to a subset of the project.

Probable Resolution #2

In LP360 v2019.1.30.0 or later, you can create a Nested Indexed Point Octree (NIPO) dataset. This is an Octree data organization option in LP360 (standalone only) for rapid access of data in large projects. It is also suitable for better visualization of smaller projects. Please note this feature isn’t “fully baked” yet and certain functions within LP360 may not work when using a NIPO dataset. 

Probable Resolution #3:

Use the LDReorder.exe to reorder spatial adjacent points so they are also near one another in the LAS structure. Make sure to pyramid the newly ordered files when adding them to LP360, or use the LDPyramid.exe after performing the reorder task.


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