LP360 2015.1 Feature Matrix

LP360 is a family of point cloud exploitation tools for both native Windows (“standalone”) and the ArcGIS® desktop platform. LP360 for ArcGIS is the world’s most popular LIDAR visualization, editing and information extraction tool set for ArcGIS®. It is available directly from GeoCue Group Inc. (www.geocue.com) and (outside North America) from a global reseller network (www.lp360.com/resellers.html).

LP360 applications are available in four platform configurations (all Microsoft Windows®-based):

  • LP360 – This is the native Windows version of LP360. It has no software prerequisites other than Windows. It is available in both a 32 and 64 bit version.
  • LP360 for ArcGIS® – A fully qualified extension for ArcMap® desktop. LP360 for ArcGIS® requires the Basic level of ArcMap® (“the “ArcView®” level of ArcMap under the ESRI versions prior to the 10.1 naming scheme). This remains a 32 bit product until ESRI® releases ArcGIS® desktop for 64 bit.
  • LP360 for sUAS (small, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) – LP360 is an ideal platform for exploiting point clouds generated by correlating imagery obtained via sUAS platforms. First released with the 2014.1 version of LP360, it is currently identical to the Standard level of LP360.
  • LP360 for GeoCue – This version of LP360 is very similar in its feature set to LP360, Standard level. It integrates into the GeoCue® Client platform, providing a high performance environment for project-based Quality Check and interactive editing.

LP360 and LP360 for ArcGIS are available in four capability levels:

  • Viewer – This is a free viewer level of the software. It is available for only for standalone Windows
  • Basic (Windows, ArcGIS®) – This is the basic level, suitable for visualization, Quality Check and some derived product generation.
  • Standard (Windows, ArcGIS®) – This level adds interactive classification and analysis capabilities.
  • Advanced (Windows, ArcGIS®) – This level adds point cloud “tasks” and automatic classification routines.

LP360 and LP360 for ArcGIS are available in two licensing models:

  • Node Locked – The software is assigned to a specific machine and can be executed only on that machine
  • Floating – The software can be loaded on any machine and up to the number of owned floating licenses can be simultaneously run

LP360 for sUAS is available only in a node-locked version.

LP360 for GeoCue is available only as a floating license version and requires a GeoCue Client.

This matrix reflects functions that will appear in the 2015.1 release of LP360. Note that features new to 2015.1.76.0 are highlighted in yellow.

LP360 2015.1 Feature Matrix


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