LP360 Workflow videos in Portuguese

1. Importando Voos do Sensor Lidar GeoCue para dentro do LP360 Drone
Portuguese Speaking LP360 workflow video on how to Import Flights from the Lidar Sensor into LP360 Drone

2. Pos-Processando os voos usando o PosPac
Portuguese Speaking LP360 workflow video on how to Post Process flights using PosPac

3.  Criando Linhas de Voo, Trajetórias e Geocode(Nuvem de Pontos)
Portuguese Speaking LP360 workflow video on how to Create Flight Lines, Trajectories and Geocode (Point Cloud)

4.  Como fazer StripAlign e Strip Adjustment no LP360
Portuguese Speaking LP360 workflow video on how to how to do StripAlign and Strip Adjustment in LP360

5. Pontos de Controle e Suavização da Nuvem de Pontos
Portuguese Speaking LP360 workflow video on how to how to manage Point Cloud Control Points and Smoothing

6. Classificação e MDT/Curva de Nivel
Portuguese Speaking LP360 workflow video on how to how to do Point Cloud Classification and MDT Generation


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