1. Importando Voos do Sensor Lidar GeoCue para dentro do LP360 Drone
Portuguese Speaking LP360 workflow video on how to Import Flights from the Lidar Sensor into LP360 Drone
2. Pos-Processando os voos usando o PosPac
Portuguese Speaking LP360 workflow video on how to Post Process flights using PosPac
3. Criando Linhas de Voo, Trajetórias e Geocode(Nuvem de Pontos)
Portuguese Speaking LP360 workflow video on how to Create Flight Lines, Trajectories and Geocode (Point Cloud)
4. Como fazer StripAlign e Strip Adjustment no LP360
Portuguese Speaking LP360 workflow video on how to how to do StripAlign and Strip Adjustment in LP360
5. Pontos de Controle e Suavização da Nuvem de Pontos
Portuguese Speaking LP360 workflow video on how to how to manage Point Cloud Control Points and Smoothing
6. Classificação e MDT/Curva de Nivel
Portuguese Speaking LP360 workflow video on how to how to do Point Cloud Classification and MDT Generation