Ordinal Not Found: The ordinal 4445 could not be located in the dynamic link library (libcurl.dll)


After installing LP360, when you try to run the program it throws an error stating, “Ordinal Not Found: The ordinal 4445 could not be located in the dynamic link library (libcurl.dll)”. Note: The ordinal number and the DLL may be different in the specific error message you see.

Ordinal Not Found

Probable Resolution:

There is some conflict between LP360 and some other software installed on the machine. The easy fix is to copy the files found in “C:\Program Files\LP360\LP360 64-bit\bin” into “C:\Program Files\Common Files\LP360”, skipping existing ones. Then run LP360 from the “C:\Program Files\Common Files\LP360”. You can modify the shortcut create during installation or create a new one to make it easier to run the program.


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