Silently Installing LP360 Clients

When managing the installation of LP360 on a number of computers it may be useful to use a silent install. The standard MSI switches “/qn”  and “/norestart” work, however, there are no command line parameters available at this time to configure the licensing.

msiexec /i “LP360x64_v2019.1.30.3.msi” /qn /norestart

Note: This must be run in an elevated command prompt. Open an elevated command prompt by right-clicking on Command Prompt and selecting “Run as Administrator”.

2018.1 and Later Releases:

The license preferences, “LP360LicPrefs.xml”, and license string information, “LP360.lic”, files can be found in the “C:\ProgramData\LP360” folder of a manually installed and configured machine. Then copy those files to the other machines where the installation was performed silently.

Pre 2018.1 Releases:

To set the LP360 License Administrator information you should, be able to use a registration file (.REG) created from one manually configured client machine and then use that file to propagate the entries to other machines that are similar. The license server information is stored in:



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