Adjusting image positions in Agisoft Metashape with ASPSuite local coordinate transformation

ASP Suite has the ability to adjust camera positions based on a local coordinate system. These positions are not updated in the EXIF data, but placed in a file in the “PPK” folder from the ASPSuite project. To import this file into Agisoft Metashape, please follow the instructions below: Open Metashape and import project images.…


PhotoScan – NAD83(2011)

User wishes to convert ASPSuite processed images to a NAD83(2011) projected coordinate systems in PhotoScan, but the desired NAD83(2011) based projected coordinate system does not appear in the list of available coordinate systems. To convert ASP processed images to NAD83(2011) projected coordinate systems in Photoscan, you must change to the NAD83(2011) geographic coordinate system in Reference…
