User Guide for the LPRunPCT.exe Command Line Tool

A new command line driven, Windows application has been written to execute LP360 point cloud tasks. The tool “LPRunPCT.exe”, available in the 2015.1 Service Pack A, allows you to run a point cloud task from the command line with a number of command line options and associated parameter files. This tool is very useful in certain scenarios where routine tasks are performed, such as when classifying buildings.

Before being able to run any point cloud task, it will be necessary to own the proper license level (Basic, Standard, and Advanced) for that task. If you already have LP360 for ArcGIS® or LP360 for Windows® active, this will cause the operation to fail in the node locked license case. If using a floating license, another license is checked out if available. If not available, the operation will fail.

Read Article: User Guide for the Point Cloud Task Engine


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