Performing a Bench Test

A bench test is a quick way to test functionality and collect diagnostic information about a True View system without mounting it to an aircraft.


  1. True View system
  2. True View Battery
  3. UMS
  4. Antenna Mast with coaxial cable
  5. GNSS antenna
  6. Controller Box
  7. CAT6 Controller Box cable


  1. Set up the True View unit in a safe area outside with something to hold GNSS Antenna Mast upright. Install the UMS and battery and connect the controller box. This test must be performed at a location that can obtains good GNSS signal. Stay away from tall structures and metal objects as possible (30ft or more) for decent GNSS signal. 
  2. Power on the True View unit and pay attention to the LEDs and LCD signals on the controller box.
  3. The control box will repeatedly flash all three lights yellow before progressing to a system check.  
  4. System check will go through the BAT, GNSS and SYS lights in that order, one by one, with a flashing yellow light to solid green. 
  5. After a successful boot, the BAT and GNSS lights will be solid green and the SYS light be blinking green. Take notes if any abnormal light codes are seen or any stage stalls or takes and excessive amount of time.
  6. With the system ready for the cycle start (BAT and GNSS solid green while SYS is blinking green) you can now press and hold the Cycle button on top of the control box to begin the cycle. For TV6xx with RIEGL system, make sure all the four LEDs on the RIEGLs are turned green before starting the cycle. 
  7. After 5 minutes press and hold the green button on the controller box again until the SYS light starts flashing yellow.  
  8. After approx. 2-5 minutes the system will complete its cycle and the SYS light will again be solid yellow. The True View can now be powered down.

  1. Remove the UMS stick from the TrueView and connect it to a computer.
  2. In windows explorer, navigate to “USB Drive (D:)”  “Cycle_YYMMDD_HHMMSS” (most recent entry will be the bench test).  
  3. Navigate to “Flight_YYMMDD_HHMMSS” and check both camera folders for images. This is to confirm the cameras were firing and properly recording images. (depending on the duration of the test this should be 150+ images per camera) 
  4. Both camera folders should contain the nearly the same count of images, a 2-3 difference in count is common.
  5. Return to “Cycle_YYMMDD_HHMMSS” and navigate to “Laser1” to check for the “laser.bin” file.  
  6. This file will vary in size but should be roughly 1GB (1,00,000 KB) for a 5-minute test.  
  7. Return to “Cycle_YYMMDD_HHMMSS” and navigate to “System.” Check for “.T04” file.  
  8. This file will vary in size but should be roughly 15MB. 
  9. While still inside of the System folder, open “CycleLog.csv” using “Notepad++” and search for any ERRORs, WARNINGs, or FAILUREs.
  10. If you witness any errors or abnormal behavior you can send the CycleLog.csv to a GeoCue technician for support.

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