Setting the start/end time of POSPac Processing

This procedure applies to users running POSPac Desktop (Classic) processing and is not applicable to POSPacCloud or DGaaS sensors.

LP360 Drone will attempt to automatically set the start/end time of POSPac sensor trajectory processing based on the kinematic motion of the sensor. This works in the vast majority of cases. However, there are times where the user may want to change the start time of POSPac processing, due to a mismatch of when the sensor and base station observation started or GNSS issues with either the sensor or base station during the beginning or ending of the flight. To change the start time of a POSPac project you need to edit the .posbat file from a failed processing attempt for the Cycle. Then, execute the processing again using a small batch script. If you are unsure about what time to change, look at your current POSPac report, or generate one with the QC-Only (Realtime) option, and use the charts to determine areas where you may want to exclude due to GNSS data quality issues.

Step 1. Locate the .posbat file for a cycle located at: <LP360_PROJECT_PATH>\Area_\Cycle_\POS\POSPac_YYMMDD_HHMMSS\ folders, where the YYMMDD_HHMMSS is the date/time of the processing attempt.

Step 2. Open the .posbat file in a text editor and edit the value in the <Process> block for <StartTimeTotalSec> or the <StopTimeTotalSec>, as applicable.

Step 3. Open a text editor and create a batch file with the line below, change the POSPac version if using another version. Save this file as RunPOSPacbatch.bat. Ensure that the file extension is .bat and not .bat.txt. You may need to change your Windows Explorer settings to show all file extensions, this option is in the View tab.

"C:\Program Files\Applanix\POSPac UAV 8.8\PospacBatch.exe" -m UAV -b %1 > POSPacBatchErrorLog.txt

Step 4. Drag and drop the edited .posbat file on top of the RunPOSPacbatch.bat. When the console window disappears, the processing should be complete.

Step 5. (2022.1.32 or lower)

Trajectory file will be located at: <LP360_PROJECT_PATH>\Area_\Cycle_\POS\POSPac_YYMMDD_HHMMSS\YYMMDD_HHMMSS\CYYMMDD_HHMMSS\Mission 1\Export\export_Mission 1.txt

Copy this file to this folder: <LP360_PROJECT_PATH>\Area_\Cycle_\POS\ and rename it to PostProcessedTraj.txt

Step 5. (2022.1.33 to current version)

Trajectory files will be located at: <LP360_PROJECT_PATH>\Area_\Cycle_\POS\POSPac_YYMMDD_HHMMSS\YYMMDD_HHMMSS\CYYMMDD_HHMMSS\Mission 1\Proc\sbet_Mission 1.out


Copy these files to this folder: <LP360_PROJECT_PATH>\Area_\Cycle_\POS\

Rename both files to remove “_Mission 1” so they are exactly named sbet.out and smrmsg.out

Step 6. Your newly generated POSPac report will be located in: <LP360_PROJECT_PATH>\Area_\Cycle_\POS\POSPac_YYMMDD_HHMMSS\YYMMDD_HHMMSS\CYYMMDD_HHMMSS\Mission 1\Report\report_Mission 1.pdf

Copy this file to this folder: <LP360_PROJECT_PATH>\Area_\Cycle_\POS\ and rename it to POSPac_Report.pdf

Step 7. Return to LP360 and skip the POSPac step and move directly to the Create Trajectories processing step.


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