335 articles TrueView Tools, Tips and Workflows Page 32 / 34

GeoCue’s repository of TrueView tools, tips and workflows for the TrueView line of drone mapping products. Includes former AirGon products such as Loki and ASPSuite.

Point Cloud Statistics Extractor CRS Codes

The results of extracting the LAS header information from the Point Cloud Statistics Extractor or LDDump may contain EPSG, GeoTIFF or other codes for coordinate systems, datums, units, etc. For GeoTIFF tag or codes: http://geotiff.maptools.org/spec/geotiff6.html# In here you’ll find for example the codes used for Linear Units: Linear Unit Values (See the ESPG/POSC tables for…


Smooth Corner Vertex Spacing

The smooth corners contour option in LP360 is basically a choice between drawing contours as line strings or drawing them as curves. The Smooth Corner Vertex Spacing parameter is the number of vertices to be added between the existing vertices that are found where the contour crosses the triangle edge. Those vertices on the triangle…


Coordinate System Utility

The new Coordinate System Utility in LP360 2015 allows you to define horizontal and vertical coordinate systems and output PRJ files. The Coordinate System Utility dialog allows you to set the coordinate system of a project or output file and shows descriptions of selected coordinate systems. You are able to select from predefined horizontal coordinate…


Point Cloud Task Command Line Tool

Do you ever find yourself performing the same point cloud task over and over again for larger datasets? A new tool available in 2015.1 Service Pack A may help by allowing you to run point cloud tasks from the command line. Named “LPRunPCT.exe”, this application contains a number of command line options and associated parameters…


LP360 License Administrator – Copy Error (24244)

Symptom: While activating LP360 using an AUT file you receive a Copy Error (24244) message stating, “The process cannot access the file ‘C:\Program Files\Common Files\QCoherent\colorramp.bmp’ because it is being used by another process.” Probable Resolution #1: It is most likely that you have another session of LP360 License Administrator or LP360 open when you attempted…


Adding a Custom Horizontal Coordinate System in LP360

There may be times when a user needs to add a custom horizontal coordinate system to the program. This option can be done within LP360 (v2015.1). Initial steps Generate a custom PRJ file to reflect the new custom coordinate system There are a couple of options how to accomplish this Copy a current PRJ file…


Exporting the Current Profile Line

About Exporting Profile Lines Sometimes it may be useful to export the current profile line to a file for use in other software applications. The Export Profile command will export the draped line to the current export file you specify. Learn more about setting up profile export How to Export Profile Lines Export Profile Command…


Profile Export Properties

About Profile Export Properties You must select an export file to export profiles to before exporting profiles. The current supported file formats are 3D Polyline Shapefiles, AutoCAD DXF, MicroStation DGN, and ASCII XYZ files. If a pre-existing file is selected, profiles are appended to that file. Otherwise a new file is created. If XYZ files…


Export Cross Section XYZ values

If you used the cross sections point cloud task in LP360 to automate the generation of your cross sections your only output options were Shapefile and DXF. What if I need those cross section XYZ values in another format. Option 1: Use the manual profile export available in the profile view to export your profiles.…
