Exporting Final Product

Final products can be exported from LIDAR data using either LP360 command line executables or the LP360 Export Wizard. Some export functions and resulting products include, but are not limited to: merging multiple LAS files into one LAS file, exporting LAS versions to different LAS versions, exporting from LAS to ASCII XYZ files, and exporting Surface Models.
There are three command line executables that can be used to export LIDAR products:
– LDMerge.exe – Combine multiple LAS files to a single LAS file
– LP360PntDen.exe – Creates a point density surface (Binary Raster) for a LAS file or a set of LAS files in a folder
– LP360ExpLAS.exe – Batch export LAS or ASCII XYZ format files
Within the LP360 GUI, the tool used to export products is known as the Export Wizard. It is available on the main LP360 toolbar.

Exporting Final Product

***With the release of LP360 v2017.1 there is now a fourth executable, called LDExport.exe, which can be used to export almost any of the options available within the Export Wizard. More information to come.


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