AirGon Support has written 148 articles

Flight Spans GPS Midnight

Scenario Running ASPSuite to process a flight that spans GPS Midnight produces an informational message titled, “Flight Spans GPS Midnight”, when attempting to auto-download the ephemeris file. Explanation This informational message explains to the user why when performing the auto-download the alternate navigation file will be left blank. It should not affect the processing as…


RTK Flight Type in ASPSuite

With the release of ASPSuite version 2019.1, RTK mode has been added as a Flight Type on the New Project/ Flight Wizard. This new tool was developed to allow Phantom 4 RTK users, who’s images have been corrected by the D-RTK 2 base station or VRS, to convert image heights from ellipsoidal to orthometric heights…


How do I switch the language being used by ASPSuite?

ASPSuite by default will launch in English, unless it’s running on an operating system that is a supported language. With the release of v2019.1, the supported languages in ASPSuite are French, German, Spanish, and Japanese. To modify the language on start up: Holding “CTRL+ ‘e’” while clicking on the icon to launch the program will…


Metashape: Failed to Build Orthomosaic

Problem: When processing in Agisoft’s Metashape or PhotoScan, the Build Orthomosaic step fails. The details may contain a message, “Error: Can’t write file: There is not enough space on the disk (112). Probable Resolution #1: Check the disk space to ensure there is sufficient space to complete the task. If not, remove unnecessary files and try building the…


Agisoft Metashape & Agisoft PhotoScan comparison

Agisoft Metashape is an advanced image-based 3D modeling solution aimed at creating professional quality 3D content from still images. Based on the latest multi-view 3D reconstruction technology, it operates with arbitrary images and is efficient in both controlled and uncontrolled conditions. Photos can be taken from any position, providing that the object to be reconstructed…


ASPSuite Error: Warning! The selected Navigation File does NOT cover the same time period as the selected Rover SBF File.

Problem: When auto-downloading the ephemeris and alternate navigation files, the alternate navigation file does not cover the same time period as the flight. This usually occurs soon after the flight, when the alternate navigation file has not been updated on the FTP site where this file is downloaded. It can also happen when the flight…


Base Station Manager in ASPSuite

Base Station Manager was added to ASPSuite in version 2019.1. It allows the user to store a base station coordinate for use with later projects. The following steps describe the process for storing a base coordinate from the base station dialog (step 4 of 6) when creating a new project, or the base station tab…


LP360 Error: A target vertical coordinate system was specified, but the source vertical coordinate system was not.

This error occurs when attempting to use the Reproject/Shift LAS point cloud task in LP360, and the vertical coordinate system of the input files (source) have not been defined. The following steps explain how to define the vertical coordinate system of the source files.
