GeoCue Support has written 725 articles

Exporting Contours

Contours can be generated from a TIN surface at specified intervals. The contours are saved to one of the three following file formats: shapefiles, DXF, or DGN. Contours are stored as 3D polylines for DXF and DGN file formats. You have a choice to save polylines as 3D or 2D when exporting to shapefiles, where…


True View 250 Hardware User Guide

The True View 250 Hardware User Guide covers the ins and outs of installing and operating the True View® 250 2DIS. Updated for firmware v3.0.5. The True View® 250 features dual GeoCue mapping camera with a 120° fused field of view for efficient and accurate photogrammetric data collection in a 1 kg package. The system is currently compatible with…


Training: P4P-RTK PPK Workflow in True View EVO

This page is no longer updated. Please visit the updated page on the new LP360 Support Knowledge Base for the latest information. A short tutorial covering the Phantom 4 Pro (P4P-RTK) Post Processing Kinematic (PPK) workflow in TrueView EVO/LP360 Drone. The workflow covers some background on the workflow, the data files you need from your…


Determine the Alternate Navigation File to Download from NASA’s CDDIS

When the auto-download of the ephemeris and alternate navigation is not working you may elect to manually determine the an alternate navigation file to download from the NASA CDDIS site while your IT resolves any connection issues. Click here to determine the ephemeris file to download from NASA’s CDDIS. Determine the start/end times in UTC…


Determine the Ephemeris File to Download from NASA’s CDDIS

When the auto-download of the ephemeris is not working you may elect to manually determine the correct ephemeris file to download from the NASA CDDIS site while your IT resolves any connection issues. Click here to determine the alternate navigation file to download from NASA’s CDDIS. Determine the start/end times in UTC or GPS for…


LDExport – An LP360 Command Line Executable

LP360 has several very useful command line executable utilities that can be used to simplify different tasks or improve the efficiency of large batch processes when working with substantial amounts of data or repeating processes.  LDExport was added to this utility catalog with 2017.1.  It simplifies the export of LAS points and surfaces, for example…


Apply a Horizontal Rotation about an Origin Point

This post applies if your grid to ground conversion requires needing to apply a horizontal rotation about an origin point and is defined by: Horizontal Translation North (tN) Horizontal Translation East (tE) Horizontal Rotation (Rz) Horizontal Origin Northing (N0) Horizontal Origin Easting (E0) Horizontal Scale Factor Then, if the horizontal scale factor is one, luckily,…


Applying a Horizontal Scale about an Origin Point

This post applies if your grid to ground conversion requires applying a horizontal scale about an origin point and is defined by: Horizontal Origin Northing (N0) Horizontal Origin Easting (E0) Horizontal Scale Factor Scale based grid to ground transformations are probably the most common. If the origin point is not defined, it is usually implied…


Configuring TerraSlave for GeoCue when Installed in a Location other than the Default

GeoCue 2020 If TerraScan, or TerraSlave, is installed in a location other than the default then for each machine where this is the case edit the Machine Properties in Dispatch Manager to add the Non-Standard EXE Location to enable GeoCue to find the TSlave or TerraSlave executable when needed. The executable and user preference, TSlave.UPF,…
