GeoCue Support » Drone, Mobile and Handheld Mapping » TrueView Tools, Tips and Workflows » Page 20
Problem: When processing in Agisoft’s Metashape or PhotoScan, the Build Orthomosaic step fails. The details may contain a message, “Error: Can’t write file: There is not enough space on the disk (112). Probable Resolution #1: Check the disk space to ensure there is sufficient space to complete the task. If not, remove unnecessary files and try building the…
Problem: When auto-downloading the ephemeris and alternate navigation files, the alternate navigation file does not cover the same time period as the flight. This usually occurs soon after the flight, when the alternate navigation file has not been updated on the FTP site where this file is downloaded. It can also happen when the flight…
Base Station Manager was added to ASPSuite in version 2019.1. It allows the user to store a base station coordinate for use with later projects. The following steps describe the process for storing a base coordinate from the base station dialog (step 4 of 6) when creating a new project, or the base station tab…
This error occurs when attempting to use the Reproject/Shift LAS point cloud task in LP360, and the vertical coordinate system of the input files (source) have not been defined. The following steps explain how to define the vertical coordinate system of the source files.
There are many different manufacturers and types of base stations so it is important to choose the correct antenna calibration file for ASPSuite processing. This is a quick guide to help determine the correct antenna calibration file. First, open up a RINEX file derived from the base. In the header of the RINEX file, there…
The following steps describe the process for checking your Loki battery voltage. Connect Loki to your computer using the supplied USB-C cable Open ASPSuite Click the gear icon Select “Loki Update” Select the COM port from the drop down menu and click connect. (To auto-detect Loki on the COM Port, disconnect and re-connect the Loki USB cable to your computer.) When you…
The purpose of lever arm offsets are to transfer the position received at the GNSS antenna, to the camera sensor. This article explains how these measurements are referenced in ASPSuite. If you are using an AirGon supplied antenna mount, the default offsets in ASPSuite should be used. Z Offset Starts at antenna phase center (3…
Problem: The GNSS green light on the Loki does not flash when taking manual photos on the ground. Probable Resolution #1: If the GNSS LED is not flashing when taking pictures on the ground, with the drone and Loki still connected and on, try disconnecting the personality cable from the Loki box and reinserting the…
Reckon has been deprecated and replaced by LP360 Online, including the LP360 Portal and LP360 Cloud. When you reset your account password, an automated email is sent from [email protected] with the new password. Below are possible reasons for why you did not receive this email. The email was sent to your spam or junk email…
Out areas are used to create void areas in the TIN, resulting in No Data values in the exported DEM raster. One may wish to do this for: Waterbodies Perhaps for sensitive areas To not generate contours in the interior of buildings If the project area is a corridor or oddly shaped, then one can…