Attempting to run POSPacCloud to process a sensor trajectory solution in LP360 Drone, formerly TrueView EVO, results in an authentication failed error, “An error occurred running POSPacCloud.exe: C:\Program Files\Applanix\POSPac Cloud\POSPacCloud.exe AUTHENTICATION_FAILED Unexpected character encountered while parsing value:”

Probable Resolution #1:
Please ensure POSPacCloud has installed when you installed LP360. Or manually install using the POSPacCloud setup,, available under Downloads -> Software when you log into your Reckon site using the credential supplied with your licensing e-mail. Unzip the file, then right-click and select “Run as Administrator”. If you do not have admin privileges then you will need someone with those permissions to run the installation.
Probable Resolution #2
Review the POSPacCloud log files found in %AppData%\POSPacCloud to see if there are any errors reported.
POSPacCloud needs to be able to communicate with the following domains (different subdomains):
- *
- *
- *
“C:\Program Files\Applanix\POSPac Cloud\POSPacCloud.exe” needs to be able to communicate both inbound and outbound through your firewall.
Probable Resolution #3:
Submit the log found in %AppData%\POSPacCloud to our support so we may assist in reviewing to see if there is an indication of the issue.