Flight Planning – LiDAR

Flight Planning for LiDAR provides instructions for planning a flight to be used for LIDAR collection with a TrueView 3DIS. This section will provide guidelines for flight planning, followed by specific instructions for flight planning applications. The second section contains the TrueView Mission Planning Spreadsheet which can be utilized for calculating the line spacing, point density, swath width, GSD, vertical objects, etc based off of user defined flying height, overlap and speed.


Summary 3
General Flight Planning Considerations 3
Line Spacing 3
Flying Height 3
Scan Angle 3
Side Overlap 4
Line Spacing Spreadsheet 4
Optimizing IMU Data 6
Box Turns 6
Short Flight lines 6
Optional Heading Alignment Maneuver in Flight Line 7
Boresite Calibration 8
Flight Planning Applications 10
DJI GS Pro 10
Litchi 10
Creating a mission in Mission Hub 11
Loading the Mission on the Mobile App 16
Mission Planner + Litchi 17
Mission Planner 17
Litchi 19
Q Ground Control – Waypoint Flight Planning 22
Q Ground Control – Survey Flight Planning 26
DJI Pilot 2 - Area Route 31
Support 34

TrueView Mission Planning Spreadsheet

The TrueView Mission Planning Spreadsheet which can be utilized for calculating the line spacing, point density, swath width, GSD, vertical objects, etc based off of user defined flying height, overlap and speed.


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