Is Loki compatible with other Structure from Motion software aside from PhotoScan and Pix4D?

The answer to this question will depend on the Structure from Motion software being used.  The two primary components are:

  1.   The ability to use high-accuracy geotags.
    1.  Loki provides highly accurate geotagged images with accuracy values written to the XMP metadata.  We also produce a simple .csv text file for applications unable to read that metadata.  PhotoScan and Pix4D both read the positions and accuracy data from the .jpg images directly.
  2.  The ability to incorporate a camera calibration based on Brown’s Distortion Model.
    1.  Necessary parameters:
      1.  Focal length
      2. Principle Point X and Y
      3. Radial distortion  coefficients 1,2, and 3.
      4. Tangential distortion coefficients 1 and 2.



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