Converting Focal Length from Pixels to Millimeters to use in Bentley Context Capture

The focal length field in ContextCapture requires a focal length in mm instead of pixels. To convert a known focal length in pixels to mm: F(mm) = F(pixels) * SensorWidth(mm) / ImageWidth (pixel). For an X4S, the image width in pixels is 5472. Context Capture indicates the sensor width is 13.2 mm, so the equation…


Enabling MicroStation CONNECT in GeoCue 2017

When launching MicroStation from GeoCue and you have more than one version of on that machine, you can specify which version to use as a default. In your GeoCue session, go to Setup>Options>LIDAR 1 CuePac: Under the ‘Terrasolid’ tab, there is a drop down menu called ‘Bentley Applications’. Select the version of MicroStation you wish to…
