TerraScan Raster Backdrop

If you choose to load backdrop images while editing in TerraScan (while through GeoCue’s Process in TerraScan, DirectDrive, or directly in MicroStation’s Raster Manager) and your images show up in the wrong place relative to your LAS points, MicroStation’s Raster Manager may be interpreting your TFW (sister file) or coordinates incorrectly.  Raster Manager defaults the TFW units to meters.  If your design file is in feet, you will have a problem.  You can change this setting as follows:

  1. Select Workspace->Preferences…
  2. Select Raster Manager and change the World File default unit appropriately.

In MicroStation Connect, you’ll find the setting under Settings -> User -> Preferences -> Raster Manager -> Default Unit Settings.

MicroStation Raster Manager Preferences


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