Updating TrueView Firmware

The following steps describe the process for updating your TrueView firmware for current TrueView 3DIS systems. These newer systems have no controller box and create a system.log.

The latest firmware updates are compatible with the following systems. It is available for download from the links below:

Firmware version 2.4.3-2: v2.4.3-2(A012626C)

  • TV625
  • TV655
  • TV660
  • TV680
  • TV720

Firmware version 2.4.1-1: v2.4.1-1 (8b472bea)

  • TV585
  • TV545
  • TV535vC
  • TV515vC
  • TV535
  • TV625
  • TV655
  • TV660
  • TV680
  • TV720
  • EasyOneLiDARNDAA
  • mdLidar3000TripleCam

Firmware version 2.2.1-1: v2.2.1-1 (07f760a3)

  • EasyOneLiDARUHR/UHRLite
  • EasyOneLiDARUHR+

Firmware version v2.2.0-21: v2.2.0-21 (ffb8a694)

  • TV435vB
  • 515vB

Note: The TrueView firmware v2.x will produce Cycle data that requires LP360 v2023.1.32.0 or later to successfully process.

For legacy systems with a controller box and produce a Cycle.log, please refer to the TrueView vA Firmware.

Highlights of the v2.4.3-2 firmware update:

  • Update to how internal time setting is handled.
  • Added optional selection of storage media for Riegl LiDAR data recording.

Highlights of the v2.4.1-1 firmware update:

  • For TrueView sensors: Added optional FOV setting for Pandar LiDAR. FOV can now be configured through the WebUI Settings.
  • Removed unnecessary warning messages.

Highlights of the v2.4.0-4 firmware update:

  • Added support for new TrueView payloads “vC”.
  • Added support for “EasyOneLIDARUHRNDAA”.
  • Mobile mapping:
    • Added optional MapView to Web UI.
    • MapView plots recent CyclePaths to visualize covered areas.
    • MapView can import kml file to visualize path to be scanned.
  • Fixed folder access permision for ftp access.
  • Fixed stop camera stream when terminating.
  • All error messages from Riegl to be forwarded to WebUI.
  • Added error message to prevent buffer overflow of Riegl scanner.

Highlights of the v2.2.1-1 firmware update:

  • Removed limit for minimal trigger interval. All camera events will now be captured and geotagged. Following log message has been removed: “Ignore event due to close period”.

Highlights of the v2.2.0-21 firmware update:

  • Added support for mobile mapping.
  • Added pause button to Web UI.
  • Added Settings profile selection to Web UI.
  • Added Pilot Logbook for Web UI.
  • Added heartbeat and recording indicator in Web UI.
  • Added Web UI watchdog in the client web browser.
  • Added progress bar for pre-flight data transfer.
  • Added all lever arms and mounting angles to Web UI settings.
  • Added export of existing APX settings to Web UI.
  • Added settings option to set camera picture interval.
  • Added storage progress bars for USB drives attached directly to LiDAR into Web UI.
  • Added LiDAR settings calculator with limits for all supported Riegl models.
  • If the USB drive gets full, the Cycle will continue recording to internal storage.
  • Increased the GNSS fix quality to improve home position.
  • Added direct access to internal memory.
    • This version adds an FTP server on the payload which allows users access to the internal memory of the payload through Windows File Explorer.
  • Several enhancements and bug fixes to improve system reliability.

Highlights of the v2.0.1-1 firmware update:

  • Resolved system crash occurring when the USB drive is full in flight:
    • When recording on external USB drive, recording will continue internally after filling up the USB drive.
  • Fixed APX user access through Wi-Fi:
    • APX or LiDAR web page can now be opened using a Wi-Fi connection.
  • Added pre-flight data transfer progress bar.
  • Added visual recording indicator and additional heartbeat indicator to the Web UI.
    • This prevents early shutdown in case firmware appears to be unresponsive.

Highlights of the v2.0.0-4 firmware update:

  • Adds support for the TrueView Web UIwhich provides a user interface (UI) of the TrueView payload through any standard web browser. With the TrueView Web UI the user can monitor the system operation, readiness for data collection, and change settings. TrueView Web UI helps with troubleshooting by providing additional information about errors and issues.
  • Adds support for the TrueView535 to write directly to the approved and provided UMS.
  • Adds support for automatically handling files that exceed 4GB to allow users to always format the UMS in FAT32 for faster data transfer speeds.
  • Adds a warnings.log to the Cycle\System folder to provide a quick overview of any anomalies encountered during the flight.
  • Improves behavior of the preflight transfer to remove the need for a reboot and to transfer Cycles individually.
  • Improves the handling of low memory in flight situations.
  • Removes unnecessary warnings from the system log and improves warnings and errors to provide better descriptions.
  • Improved the connection with the debug cable to no longer require a static IP address.
  • Several enhancements and bug fixes to improve system reliability.

TrueView Firmware Update

If updates are required, the TrueView payload user can install the firmware update.

Please make sure the following conditions are met before updating the payload firmware.

  • If you have a payload battery, make sure it is fully charged and installed in the payload.
  • If you do not have a payload battery that is fully charged and installed, make sure the payload is mounted and properly connected to the drone.
  • The drone or payload battery is fully charged.
  • The drone with the payload is outside with visibility to the sky where the GPS fix can be found.
  • Make sure the USB storage device is available.

The following are the general installation procedures, however, please refer to the hardware users guide for your applicable model number for specific details and changes in the operation of your system.

TrueView Firmware installation:

  1. Make sure the above prerequisites are met.
  2. If not already done, download the latest version of the firmware.
  3. Make sure the drone and payload are powered OFF and that the battery is disconnected.
  4. Insert the USB storage device into the computer.
  5. Copy the .mdpkg onto the USB storage device.
  6. Insert the USB storage device back into the payload.
  7. Power ON the TrueView payload as you would do for a normal flight.
  8. The firmware will install automatically. Allow up to five (5) minutes for the process to complete. The payload will reinitialize automatically upon completion. If the installation is NOT successful contact GeoCue Customer Support.
  9. Connect to the payload Web UI and observe the status of the payload. Once the payload is fully initialized click “Abort” and the payload will cancel the initialization process and prepare for shutdown.
  10. Wait for the payload ready to shutdown indication and disconnect the power from the payload and power the drone OFF.

Verification of the update:

  1. Remove the USB storage device from the payload and insert it into the computer.
  2. Navigate to the USB storage device drive and verify the file extensions changed to .installed on every file. This means the installation of the firmware was successful. Remove the installation files once the installation process has been successful. The USB should be empty before the next flight.
  3. GeoCue recommends completing a flight after the firmware update to quality control the data before the next operation.

Please contact GeoCue Customer Support if you have any questions and /or require assistance.


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