GeoCue Support » Archives for AirGon Support » Page 9
The following steps describe the process for updating your Loki firmware. Note: Updating the firmware is optional. If the Loki is functioning properly, there is no need to update. Warning: Firmware updates are not supported on machines running Windows operating systems prior to Windows 10. Connect Loki to your computer using the supplied USB-C cable.…
User receives a “Request Entity Too Large” error from OPUS. It typically means your Rinex observation file is too large for OPUS to accept and the file size needs to be reduced Reduce the Rinex file size by removing information from the Rinex file that OPUS automatically removes, or does not use. OPUS decimates every…
This workflow shows the input/output settings for Vertical Coordinate System in PIX4D, when processing images that have orthometric heights. Input setting: Output setting:
Problem: Loki’s GNSS LED isn’t turning green. (The GNSS LED is the one on left above the USB C port) Probable Solution: A green GNSS LED on Loki indicates that it has good reception. A red GNSS LED can be caused by a number of things. The following are suggestions if you are having trouble…
User wishes to convert ASPSuite processed images to a NAD83(2011) projected coordinate systems in PhotoScan, but the desired NAD83(2011) based projected coordinate system does not appear in the list of available coordinate systems. To convert ASP processed images to NAD83(2011) projected coordinate systems in Photoscan, you must change to the NAD83(2011) geographic coordinate system in Reference…
Problem: Installing ASPSuite fails and the error log shows, “The referenced assembly is not installed on your system. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800736B3)”. Probable Solution: Windows thinks the ASPSuite ClickOnce application is still installed on the machine for that user, yet the necessary contents to perform the installation no longer exist in the user folder. The…
If your organization has strict security settings, some of the executables installed and used by ASPSuite could get blocked and prevent ASPSuite from operating correctly. It may be necessary to get your IT department to add these executables to an approved list. The following instructions will show you how to find the executables being used…
Formatting the SD card through DJI Go 4 is useful when SD card space is needed and you do not want to remove the SD card from the aircraft (or personality cable). Be sure all important information has been downloaded before formatting the card because this process will erase everything. Here are the steps to…
Structure from Motion (SfM) algorithms used by image -to-point cloud applications require strong overlap to create an accurate 3D model. Missions should be planned to include both forward overlap, and side overlap. To achieve this, the mission must have at least two flights lines, but more is better.
It is always best practice to submit your static base observation data to an online post-processing service to obtain the position of your base station. However, it is possible to process your Loki data with a base coordinate that has not been processed. If a base position is needed to check for a fixed solution…