326 articles LP360 Geospatial Tools, Tips and Workflows Page 4 / 33

GeoCue’s repository of articles covering tools, tips, and workflows for processing point clouds in LP360 Geospatial.

Automatic Perpendicular Profile View

In LP360 and True View Evo, set the profile view based on the direction of a feature for an automatic perpendicular profile view. This ensures that the drawn profile line is always centered on and perpendicular to the line or polygon feature direction. In Feature Analyst ->Navigation options, choose to center vertex and the profile…


Merge and Copy Feature File

In LP360 users have feature file merge and copy options to merge multiple SHP files or copy a file to a new feature layer. This is useful for combining files to have a single file for all features or simply creating quick back up of the feature file. The process for performing these operations is…


GeoTIFF in ArcGIS Does Not Project Properly

Adding a GeoTIFF generated by LP360 to ArcGIS does not show in the correct location. Currently ArcGIS, including 10.x and Pro, does not have a full implementation of Well Known Text (WKT) format for projection definitions in .prj format, specifically the COMP_CS tag and the way it handles False Easting and Standard Parallels. This issue…


LP360 Adaptive TIN Ground Filter Parameters

LP360’s Adaptive TIN Ground Filter is designed to classify a ground surface from point data. There are multiple parameters within the filter, especially when using the Advanced Options. The following chart and additional graphics are a summary and general guidelines for setting the parameters. Seed Sample Distance Grid size for initial seed surface. Smaller is…


Reprojecting Vector Features

For Reprojecting Vector Features, use the Add Files dialog and go to the Feature tab. There is a checkbox in the lower section of the dialog to Transform Feature Files to Map SRS (Figure 1). The user may need to create a new EVO project with the desired target coordinate reference system (CRS). Note: EVO does not currently support on-the-fly…


Modify the Scan Angle Filter

Note: The following options only apply to LP360 2020.1 or newer. The Live View Filter – Scan Angle tab settings allow the user to filter data based on Scan Angle, which is typically associated with airborne and mobile laser scanning systems. It is the angle that the laser pulse was emitted with respect to a…


Associate Images with Features

One of the features available in True View Evo and LP360, that came from adding image support for the True View 3DIS, is the ability to associate images with existing features in a feature file. Depending on file organization, images can be assigned to specific features and displayed when selected in Feature Analyst. This could…


DEM and breakline export for use in CAD software

When generating a DEM in LP360 / True View Evo for import into CAD software, there are a few nuances to consider. Unlike the commonly used LandXML CAD surface format, the DEM format will only enforce breaklines at the resolution of the generated raster. In order to properly enforce and display the breakline areas, you…


Opening ArcMap project errors

The user receives multiple error messages and has general functionality issues when opening an ArcMap project with the 32 bit LP360 extension enabled. Example error message could be: PCTasksContentsView::ConnectToTrans(): Map object is null. This issue is related to the user opening an existing project, that was saved with the point cloud tasks tab open. The…


Civil3D Import DEM Issues

Civil3D has known import DEM issues. The user may notice a systematic shift related to units or grid positioning mismatch when comparing the imported DEM to other data in Civil3D, such as the breaklines that were also generated in LP360/True View EVO as part of the . Note: Depending on the scenario, the user may…
