326 articles LP360 Geospatial Tools, Tips and Workflows Page 5 / 33

GeoCue’s repository of articles covering tools, tips, and workflows for processing point clouds in LP360 Geospatial.

Update LAS file pyramids

Under normal circumstances, LAS files only need have pyramids generated during initial import into LP360/True View Evo. However, there are times when the user must rebuild LAS file pyramids after performing specific LP360 tasks. This article will review the method used to update pyramids, as well as the known tasks which will precipitate the user…


Using a point grid based on a vertical feature for change detection

It may be desired to create a grid of points for a vertical feature, such as a wall in LP360 or True View Evo. This could be used to detect the change of a set of gridded points, that are static in Z, which could potentially shift planimetrically over time. The following outlined workflow will…


Recommended LAS file size

While LP360 can handle a practically unlimited amount of LIDAR data, individual LAS file sizes must be kept small. LP360 and True View Evo have a maximum recommended individual LAS file size to optimize performance and functionality of the software. If the size of any LAS file used exceeds a recommended size of 250 MB,…


Affine Transform LAS PCT

The Affine Transform LAS Point Cloud Task is a versatile tool for modifying the coordinates of your point cloud. A common use is applying grid to ground conversions which require more than a simple scale or translation. How to setup the Affine Transform LAS Point Cloud Task to accomplish this may not be readily apparent…


Derive Grid to Ground Transformation with TerraScan

For certain projects, it may be necessary to process and output derivative products in a user defined (local) coordinate system. There are multiple ways to accomplish this, but one is to have matching pairs of projected and local coordinates to define a local coordinate system and derive the transformation. If the rotation, scale and translation…


Working with the LAZ Format in LP360

LAZ is an open source compressed file format useful for more efficiently storing point cloud data than the LAS file format. It is strictly a storage format and must be converted to LAS before it can be used for processing or analysis purposes as the format does not allow for direct edits. Files in the…


Noise Removal Options

Point cloud datasets will at times have noisier than usual low/high point noise that will need to be classified/removed from the project data. This can be caused by: vegetation, site movement (conveyor belts), water presence, etc. LP360 and True View Evo contain multiple methods available for removing this noise that are reviewed below, which can…


Create Features From Existing Features

For some workflows it may be necessary to change the feature type (point, line, or polygon) of a shapefile to another. The user has this ability create features from existing features using the Create Features from Selected Features tool on the LP360 Feature Edit Ribbon. This tool can be used on any valid shapefile layer.…


LP360 Vertex Color Description

When dealing with Polyline or Polygon features in LP360, vertices are color coded based on their place in the beginning or end of the created feature in relation to their drawn direction. This article provides an explanation for what these colors represent. Color Description Red/green vertex color is the start/end of the line on the…
