Command Line Executables For Preparing LIDAR Data

LIDAR data oftentimes requires preparation before further analysis can be completed on the data. LP360 has six command line executables which can be used for preparing LIDAR data before adding it to LP360 for Windows or the LP360 for ArcGIS extension. When installed in the default folder, these preparatory LP360 command line executables may be found in “C:\Program Files\Common Files\LP360” (after v2018.1) or “C:\Program Files\Common Files\QCoherent” (versions prior to 2018.1) and are called:
LDFltLine – Assign Point Source IDs (Flight line numbers)
LDImport – Convert ASCII or MG4 data files to the LAS format
LDMerge – Combine multiple LAS files into a single LAS file
LDPyramid – Generate pyramid files for visualizing and processing in LP360
LDReorder – Reorders the data spatially within the LAS file
LDThin – Thin dataset removing every nth point
It is important to note that the type of LIDAR data itself (Mobile, Airborne or Terrestrial Scanner) may help determine which executables are needed for the preparation process. The collection criteria, such as nominal point spacing, and the desired analysis will also play a factor.

Command Line Executables For Preparing LIDAR


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