Easter Eggs in LP360

LP360 contains a number of “non-obvious” commands (usually keyboard activated shortcuts). This page has been updated for LP360 v2022.1.


Live View – When opened in one view can be left open and by clicking the Live View button in a different view the settings will change to that view’s current state
Change Languages – See the separate post on changing languages when launching the program.
CTRL+tool – Opens the Layer Properties dialogue to the settings tab for the tool (for example contours and breakline enforcement)

Map Window:

Hold down Shift while digitizing to enable panning with the right mouse button and zoom with the left mouse button (or scroll wheel).
CTRL+R while LP360 is loading resets the application layout

Profile Window:

CTRL+Right-click has a context tool bar with additional options: Persist Edit Geometry, Automatically Commit Points.
Right-click start of drawing a profile to specify the exact profile starting location, right-click end of profile specify ending profile location.
Right-click after specifying a profile ending location to specify the desired width.
Double-click when completing a profile to use the previous profile’s width.
CTRL-mouse wheel to change the vertical scale of the view.
Use the left/right arrow keys to rotate the profile counterclockwise or clockwise, respectively (hold down shift while using the arrow keys to force rotation in some scenarios).
Use the up/down arrow keys to scroll the profile forward or backward, respectively.
Ctrl+Alt+S to change known xyz location when digitizing.
CTRL+O to Export Profile.
CTRL+B to toggle the profile lock.
CTRL+M executes the Measure Tool.
CTRL+D toggles continuous zoom.

Right-click to set the distance for Classify Points within a Distance of Line.

Modify the legend:

  • Elevation (CTRL+Q)
  • Colorbands (CTRL+A)
  • Classification (CTRL+W)
  • Intensity (CTRL+E)
  • Return Combination (CTRL+R)
  • Point Source (CTRL+T)
  • GIS Fusion (CTRL+U)
  • RGB Values (CTRL+I)
  • File (CTRL+X)
  • User Data (CTRL+S)

Auto-perpendicular to feature direction function

3D Window:

CTRL+mouse wheel to change vertical scale of the view
Left-click+mouse movement to zoom in/out
Right-click+mouse movement  to rotate data
Simultaneous right-click+left-click+mouse movement to pan data
CTRL+F – Fit to Window

Modify the legend:

  • Elevation (CTRL+Q)
  • Colorbands (CTRL+A)
  • Classification (CTRL+W)
  • Intensity (CTRL+E)
  • Return Combination (CTRL+R)
  • Point Source (CTRL+T)
  • GIS Fusion (CTRL+U)
  • RGB Values (CTRL+I)
  • File (CTRL+X)
  • User Data (CTRL+S)

Classify Toolbar/Editing Points in Profile Window

0-9 Number Keys can be used to commit points to the corresponding classification when in classification mode
Space bar to commit points to selected destination class/flags in dropdown
Press ESC to cancel the paint brush tool
To modify the paint brush width or height in LP360 for Windows, Ctrl +left arrow decreases width, +right arrow increases width, +down arrow decreases height, +Up arrow increases height
CTRL+G to start the “Edit above Line” tool
CTRL+H to start the “Edit Below Line” tool
CTRL+F to classify points within a polygon
Selecting paint brushes: small is CTRL+J, medium is CTRL+K, and large is CTRL+L
Undo and Redo point edits: CTRL+Z and CTRL+Y respectively

Executing Point Cloud Tasks (PCTs):

Change the size of the stamp using the CTRL+arrow keys. CTRL+left arrow decreases width, CTRL+right arrow increases width, CTRL+down arrow decreases height,   CTRL+Up arrow increases height.

Snapping Tools Hotkeys

These hotkeys can be used while digitizing and have the same effects as if the user went into the Feature Edit options page and toggled the checkboxes on/off.

  • ‘S’ key while creating or editing a feature on the same layer turns Snapping On/Off
  • ‘V’ key while creating or editing a feature on the same layer snaps to only vertices
  • ‘L’ key while creating or editing a feature on the same layer snaps to only lines
  • ‘B’ key while creating or editing a feature on the same layer snaps to both lines and vertices

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