Invalid Machine Code (24237)


While attempting to complete the authorization of LP360 licenses using the downloaded AUT, you receive a message stating, “Invalid Machine Code (24237): Authorization file was not created for this machine. Unable to register…”


Probable Resolution #1:

Are you attempting to activate the LP360 license from the machine on which the AUT file was registered? Are you activating server licenses? If so, are you on the server machine? To verify the machine name, submit your CDKey at and review the name of the last machine on which the licenses were registered.

Probable Resolution #2:

Was the authorization file applied before the server machine was updated with the latest version of the LP360 software? The latest authorization files, which are available for download from the LP360 Update Software Page are valid for LP360 versions 2014.1.51.0 and higher for all customers with current software maintenance.

  1. Download and update the software on the machine
  2. Apply the updated authorization file

Probable Resolution #3:


Has the machine hardware hosting the LP360 License(s) undergone any changes, such as a new operating system, or new hardware?

For Node Locked Licenses please refer to the following knowledge base article: How do I move my LP360 node-locked license to a new machine?

For Floating Licenses please refer to the following knowledge base article: How do I move my LP360 License Server to a new machine?





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