LP360 Has a Set of Four Tools Accessed Via ArcToolbox

Note: While the Arctoolbox tools are still an option within the product, the introduction of LAS File Analyst in v2018.1 and the ReProject/Shift LAS PCT in v2017.1, the new tools provide more efficient and robust tools and are now the recommended tools to use.

LP360 has a set of four tools that can be accessed via ArcToolbox. Detailed instructions for adding the LP360 toolbox can be found in the LP360 Installation Guide under “Adding LP360 Tools to ArcGIS Toolbox”. A simplified set of instructions can be found here. These tools are available with LP360 for ArcGIS and require an LP360 License to run. The four tools are: Define LAS File Projection, Re-project LAS Files, Scale LAS Files, and Shift LAS Files. Each tool creates a new set of LAS files and preserves the original files.

Define LAS File Projection is used to define or assign a projection for one or more LAS files.

ReProject LAS Files is used to modify the coordinates of a LAS file by reprojecting from a known input coordinate system to a known output coordinate system.

Scale LAS Files is often used to apply a scale to the LAS coordinates, such as scaling to a ground reference system or converting from meters to US feet.

Shift LAS Files is often used to shift the coordinates in a LAS file such as may be done when shifting and scaling from a grid to ground coordinate reference system.

LP360 Has a Set of Four Tools Accessed via the ArcToolbox



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