LP360 Latest Experimental Release

We have recently released a new experimental (EXP) version of LP360 (2012.2.17.0). EXP versions allow us to release in-progress features to the subset of customers who like to experiment with software. If you have an active maintenance contract, you can install this release from the “Check for Updates” function in LP360 (they are web downloads). If you are in a critical situation (for example, production) where you cannot afford errors or the time it might take to roll back a version, don’t load the EXP versions! We try to do an EXP release about every 6 weeks or so and a “stable” release on an approximate 6 month cycle. Features in the EXP release will typically change or even be retracted in the stable release. Be advised that we may have introduced defects into the EXP release as an unanticipated side effect so beware!

LP360 Latest Experimental Release


Lewis Graham has written 65 articles