LP360 Tools in the Arc Toolbox

Note: While the Arctoolbox tools are still an option within the product, the introduction of LAS File Analyst in v2018.1 and the ReProject/Shift LAS PCT in v2017.1, the new tools provide more efficient and robust tools and are now the recommended tools to use.

LP360 for ArcGIS contains a set of tools which only appear in the ArcToolbox, however, the LP360 for ArcGIS installer does not automatically put these tools into your toolbox. After installing LP360 for ArcGIS you must follow the procedure below in order to enable the tools in the LP360 toolbox:

  • Define LAS File Projection – Define or assign a projection to one or more LAS files.
  • Re-project LAS Files – Re-project points from a set of LAS files from one coordinate system into another defined coordinate system.
  • Scale LAS Files – Adds the capability to scale the X, Y or Z components of all of the points within one or more LAS files.
  • Shift LAS Files – Adds the capability to shift the X, Y, or Z components of all of the points within one or more LAS files.

These are the only LP360 tools which may be run using ModelBuilder within ArcCatalog.


  1. Open ArcCatalog™, if access to ArcCatalog is not possible then open ArcMap.
  2. Open ArcToolbox™.
  3. Follow the steps below for the appropriate version of ArcGIS:
For ArcGIS 9.3 only:
  1. Right click on ArcToolbox and select new toolbox;
  2. Rename the toolbox to LP360 Tools;
  3. Right click on the new toolbox and select Add -> Tool;
  4. Check the box for LP360 Tools;
  5. Right click on ArcToolbox and select Save Settings -> To Default.
For ArcGIS 10.x only:
  1. Right click on ArcToolbox and select Add toolbox;
  2. In the dialog select the Create New Toolbox Button ;
    1. Note: Typically, Windows will not allow you to create the new toolbox in the “System Toolboxes” folder. It is recommended that you save the Toolbox in “My Toolboxes“, with the name ‘LP360 Tools’;
  3. Select the Toolbox and click Open;
  4. Right click on the new toolbox and select Add -> Tool;
  5. Check the box for LP360 Tools;
  6. Right click on ArcToolbox and select Save Settings -> To Default.



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