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…into PhotoScan or Pix4D for processing. See RTK Flight Type in ASPSuite. 5. If capturing Phantom 4 RTK data for PPK processing, see our ASPSuite User Guide for PPK processing….
…This will typically open a location such as, “C:\Users\%user%\AppData\Local\Apps\2.0\AH9G1ZQJ.JGV\KLCMKRK1.V37\asps..tion_753cade1de3b952f_07e3.0001_2a83f2bc0b80d0c2”, where %user% is the username of the person who installed and is currently running ASPSuite. ASPSuite End User License Agreement R190311Download…
Base Station Manager was added to ASPSuite in version 2019.1. It allows the user to store a base station coordinate for use with later projects. The following steps describe the…
With the release of ASPSuite version 2019.1, RTK mode has been added as a Flight Type on the New Project/ Flight Wizard. This new tool was developed to allow Phantom…
Problem: Attempting to “Check Out License” for ASPSuite results in an error message, “ASPSuite Error: Failed to checkout roaming license: Failed to checkout the license for ASP. Reason: License has…
Problem: Unable to install ASPSuite due to the error message stating, “Your administrator has blocked this application because it potentially poses a security risk to your computer”. Probable Resolution #1:…
ASPSuite by default will launch in English, unless it’s running on an operating system that is a supported language. With the release of v2019.1, the supported languages in ASPSuite are…
Problem: ASPSuite encounters an error message when checking for updates, “The deployment identity doesn’t match the subscription.” ASPSuite: Check for Update – Deployment Identity Error ASPSuite: Check for Update –…
ASPSuite has the ability to filter out GNSS satellites based on elevation mask, and Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) mask. Before reprocessing with increased mask settings, it is good practice to check…
Problem: When auto-downloading the ephemeris and alternate navigation files, the alternate navigation file does not cover the same time period as the flight. This usually occurs soon after the flight,…