Adjusting image positions in Agisoft Metashape with ASPSuite local coordinate transformation
ASP Suite has the ability to adjust camera positions based on a local coordinate system. These positions are not updated in the EXIF data, but placed in a file in the “PPK” folder from the ASPSuite project. To import this file into Agisoft Metashape, please follow the instructions below: Open Metashape and import project images.…
Determining the Correct Base Antenna Calibration File
There are many different manufacturers and types of base stations so it is important to choose the correct antenna calibration file for ASPSuite processing. This is a quick guide to help determine the correct antenna calibration file. First, open up a RINEX file derived from the base. In the header of the RINEX file, there…
Using a Non-Corrected Base Position in ASPSuite
It is always best practice to submit your static base observation data to an online post-processing service to obtain the position of your base station. However, it is possible to process your Loki data with a base coordinate that has not been processed. If a base position is needed to check for a fixed solution…
Using different Geiods in ASP Suite
Using Different Geoids in ASP Suite Note: This workflow is experimental. If any issues are encountered using this workflow, please contact AirGon support. Users can load additional Geiods to the ASP Suite. The file must be in .gtx format. You can convert those files with VDATUM. Here is a link to this: Find…