Creating a 2D Feature with Elevation Attributes

With the release of LP360 v2017.1 we began recommending that users create their breaklines using LP360 instead of the previous recommendation of using the LP360 Sketch tool in LP360 for ArcGIS. One common question that has come up is how does one create a flat 2D feature and put the summarize Z results in the…


Breakline Buffer Classifications

Buffer classifications (or Ignored Ground in the USGS Lidar Base Specification) are those classes that are assigned to LAS points that are within a user defined-distance of breaklines. Points that are assigned to these classes are excluded from the surface when using breakline enforcement. Typical distances used are one quarter to one half the nominal…



A Conflation Task defines a set of procedures for digitizing features that extract elevations from a LIDAR surface. A conflation task can be configured to digitize points, polylines, and/or polygon features. The Conflation Method assigned to the conflation task defines how elevations are populated onto the geometry for each feature. LP360 Default Conflation Tasks Summarize Z…


Breaklines, Part 3 – Z Conflation

As we have discussed in the last two issues of LP360 News, breaklines are two- or three-dimensional graphic data (points, lines, polygons) that we introduce into an elevation model to alter the topology. When working with Geographical Information System (GIS) models, we nearly always model complex, irregular elevation data as a Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN).…
