46 articles Articles

GeoCue Group’s reference library articles covering a wide variety of geospatial topics related to our various product lines.

LP360 Export Wizard

The Export Wizard provides a flexible way to convert LIDAR data to other formats. Such data includes the export format, extents, tiling of the data, or cookie cutting of the data using polygons. Derived attributes from interpolated elevations such as slope, aspect, and hillshade (brightness) can also be exported to raster files. LIDAR points within LAS files can also be exported to new LAS files. This is useful when isolating…


LP360 Crash using OneDrive

When using OneDrive for storing your Projects or processing, LP360 will have issues accessing the data files on OneDrive resulting in the software crashing. Probable Resolution Change your Project Root folder to a local folder location on your machine so future projects will not be created in the OneDrive location. Copy the Project Folder for…


ASPRS Positional Accuracy Standards for Digital Geospatial Data

ASPRS Approves Edition 2, Version 2 of the ASPRS Positional Accuracy Standards for Digital Geospatial Data (2024) Baton Rouge, LA June 28, 2024: The American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) is pleased to announce adoption of the Positional Accuracy Standards for Geospatial Data, Edition 2, Version 2 (2024), which includes important modifications and additions…


USGS LIDAR Base Specification

Abstract In late 2009, a $14.3 million allocation from the “American Recovery and Reinvestment Act” for new light detection and ranging (LIDAR) elevation data prompted the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Geospatial Program (NGP) to develop a common base specification for all LIDAR data acquired for The National Map. Released as a draft in 2010…


Z Bump – Debias Operation Validity Testing

A common practice amongst GeoCue customers (and internally) is to use previously established control points to compare with an sUAS produced point cloud to gather absolute accuracy statistics. The vertical mean error from these statistics is often used to “Debias” a dataset. This is simply shifting the point cloud data to match the measured control…


What is the LAS Format?

LASer (LAS) File Format Exchange Activities What is the LAS Format? The LAS file format is a public file format for the interchange of 3-dimensional point cloud data data between data users. Although developed primarily for exchange of LIDAR point cloud data, this format supports the exchange of any 3-dimensional x,y,z tuplet. This binary file format…


Can’t open software with a shortcut

After updating/upgrading a program, double-clicking the shortcut fails to open and gives this dialog shown in figure 1, stating, Problem with Shortcut: The parameter is incorrect.”. What is the target (right click the shortcut > properties) for the shortcut? This can also be found going to “Open File Location” in the context menu. You can…
