What’s New in LP360 EXP Release 2015-1?

We will soon be posting the first experimental release of LP360 for 2015.  Recall that an experimental release (EXP) is available to customers with current LP360 maintenance contracts.  The release is labeled EXP because we include features that are not completely final in terms of capabilities and user experience. We have really been busy with…


¿Sabes que LP360 es disponible en español ahora?

LP360 will be available in Spanish with the release of 2013.2. Users wishing to get a preview of this capability may download the latest Experimental release which will soon be posted. Not only is LP360 available in Spanish, but Japanese as well – including two-byte characters! In fact, our LP360 development team has been busy…


LP360 Latest Experimental Release

We have recently released a new experimental (EXP) version of LP360 (2012.2.17.0). EXP versions allow us to release in-progress features to the subset of customers who like to experiment with software. If you have an active maintenance contract, you can install this release from the “Check for Updates” function in LP360 (they are web downloads).…
