ASPSuite Release Notes

The release notes highlighting the new features, modifications to existing features, and fixes for software defects found within each release of the ASPSuite software. For more information refer to the ASPSuite User Guide.

January 8, 2021 – Version 2020.1.6.0

  • Added an Auto-Download Ephemeris Port Settings to the ASPSuite options so users may specify a range of ports used by the secondary data channel for downloading ephemerides. (10643)

December 4, 2020 – Version 2020.1.5.0

  • Resolved an issue that prevented the auto-download of GPS only broadcast ephemeris data for data collected on or after 01Dec2020 due to a change on the NASA site of the storage format for those files (10589)

December 1, 2020 – Version 2020.1.4.0

  • Resolved an issue that prevented the auto-download of mixed GPS + GLONASS ephemeris data after the IGS site became inaccessible at some point after 13Nov2020 (10583)

November 13, 2020 – Version 2020.1.3.0

  • Resolved an issue where the auto-download of ephemeris data would result in an empty file when the daily rapid orbits were not yet available (10504)

November 05, 2020 – Version 2020.1.2.0

  • Resolved an issue that prevented the auto-download of ephemeris data after NASA changed access requirements as of 01Nov2020 (10472)
  • Added Earthdata login credentials to Proxy Server options page. A user login for the NASA owned site is required when using a proxy server, but no login is required for ephemeris download when a proxy server is not used (10477)

August 06, 2020 – Version 2020.1.1.0

  • Updated available base station reference datums to include GDA2020 (10144)
  • Modified the Image EXIF Tagging process to also update the DJI XMP namespace position tags to accommodate a change in Agisoft Metashape v1.6.3 (10271)
  • Resolved an issue that would cause the auto-download ephemeris to sometimes fail to get a file when processing GPS+GLONASS (10269)
  • Resolved an issue that would cause ASPSuite to fail to parse a Leica Smartnet RINEX observation file (10273)

February 29, 2020 – Version 2019.1.28

  • Resolved an issue with projects using the DAT file workflow when they are flown on a leap year day, February 29th. (9743)

January 24, 2020 – Version 2019.1.27

  • Resolved an issue that was causing ASPSuite to fail when the output transformation was set to Geoid18. (9602)

January 14, 2020 – Version 2019.1.26

  • Resolved an issue that was causing ASPSuite to fail to read some DAT files on occasion, resulting in an “error computing the start/end Date/Time range” when adding the DAT file. (9484)

January 2, 2020 – Version 2019.1.25

  • Resolved an issue that was preventing users from processing data acquired after 2019. All users, regardless of maintenance status, must use this version. (9457)

December 13, 2019 – Version 2019.1.24

  • Added Geoid18 option for generating NAVD88 orthometric heights. (9412)
  • Resolved an issue that was preventing being able to process a field check of the Loki data without using a base station. (9420)

November 22, 2019 – Version 2019.1.23

  • No server connection when setting a License String will provide an error message. (6782) (7828)
  • Modified “Degrees” designation on Base Station tab to clarify format options of Decimal Degrees vs DMS. (8531)
  • Added M200 V2 (yellow mast) drone settings option to DJI SD Cable MEP Interface workflow. (9128)
  • Added multiple additional drone setting options, including the M200 V2 (yellow mast), to the DSLR Cable MEP Interface workflow to facilitate wired cameras. (9128)
  • Added additional messaging for clarity when the user selects the wrong geoid or a project area is outside of the geoid. (9353)
  • Added an option to process without internet by allowing the Navigation file downloaded from the base station to be used instead of auto-downloading the ultra-rapid ephemeris and broadcast navigation files from the agency FTP sites. (9388)

November 1, 2019 – Version 2019.1.22

  • Detect NO camera events in the DAT file workflow and warn the user this can happen if only “manual” photos are fired instead of GSPro fired photos. (9193)
  • Fixed an output issue that caused the geotagging process to hang if the project crossed was in Alaska and the output was orthometric. (9309)
  • Removed the “ClickOnce automatic check for updates before startup” and replaced with our own “Check for Updates” to prevent installing an update that is beyond the current license maintenance date. (9308)
  • Fixed an issue where a leading or trailing white space in a project name at creation would prevent the saved project from being re-opened. (9269)

July 3, 2019 – Version 2019.1.17

  • Performance improvement for tagging image headers.

June 10, 2019 – Version 2019.1.16

  • Added Pixhawk Image Updater dialog that will read a Name/Lat/Lon/Elv/Yaw/Pitch/Roll input file and tag corresponding images found in a specified image folder.

May 8, 2019 – Version 2019.1.15

  • Fixed an issue that caused the M200 (yellow mast) rover option to not display the proper MEP in the ASPSuite Rover tab.
  • Added the option to prompt user to check in the current license at exit. Option can be changed in Options dialog.
  • Fixed an issue where events were not being tagged correctly with M200 (yellow mast) setting.
  • Fixed an issue where Auto-Select Loki rover was failing to find the .obs file in the Phantom 4 Pro RTK workflow.
  • Changed AirGon to GeoCue in Title bar and About dialog.

March 18, 2019 – Version 2019.1.13

  • Updated ASPSuite to handle erroneous start date that can occur with Phantom 4 RTK OBS files (8593)
  • Modified messages in Phantom 4 RTK workflows to read OBS instead of SBF (8590)
  • ASPSuite now removes the DJI accuracies from image headers when post processing Phantom 4 RTK to remove confusion in downstream processing software (8389)
  • Added a “Force Check In” button to the License dialog for occasions when machine has a license checked out from the server, but is no longer valid (8619)
  • Removed the pre-filled base station antenna calibration file as users must ensure they select the file appropriate to their base station GNSS antenna. Subsequent flights remember previous selection.

February 26, 2019 – Version 2019.1.8

  • Added support for flights that span the GPS week rollover (8475)
  • Added a Base Station Manager option allowing users to create/edit/delete saved Base Stations by name (8344)
  • Added support for running ASPSuite in French, German, Japanese and Spanish languages (8358)
  • Added support for RTK flight types in addition to the existing PPK ones (8406)
  • Added Lat/Lon/Height accuracy values to the Images tab (8408)
  • Fixed an issue where the comma vs decimal Windows Region setting could cause ASPSuite not to work (8398)
  • Fixed an issue that would cause projects with a period in the project path to not process to completion (8422)
  • Fixed issue with the alternate navigation file when a flight crossed GPS midnight (8418)
  • Fixed an issue that could cause ASPSuite to lock up when multiple observation files are used (8507)
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the SD Card workflow to fail to find camera events (8483)
  • Fixed an issue where re-running a Q1 solution would result in a Q5 solution (8503)

December 17, 2018 – Version 2018.1.61

  • Support dynamic lever arm corrections for M600/Pro
  • PPK workflow for DJI Phantom 4 RTK
  • Local Coordinate System support is now enabled by default
  • Support new, shorter antenna mast for M200/M210 to allow parachute install
  • Miscellaneous improvements to the ephemeris auto-download feature
  • Write extended images.txt file that includes gps timestamp info

November 2, 2018 – Version 2018.1.55

  • Add diagnostics to aid user if Auto-download of GPS ephemeris file is unsuccessful.

September 25, 2018 – Version 2018.1.54

  • Fix bug in beta version of Local Coordinate System Manager (LCSM)* related to units of meters.
  • Allow import in LCSM of localization file with degrees encoded as DDD.MMSSSSS

*E-mail [email protected] for instructions for use of the beta LCSM feature.

September 20, 2018 – Version 2018.1.53

  • Added support for DJI Phantom 4 Pro Version 2 (V2)
  • Fixed issue that affects USB (DAT file) workflow, especially for smaller flights and those at lower speeds

September 6, 2018 0 Version 2018.1.51

  • Update to support USB workflow for Inspire 2. Changes are due to firmware update from DJI, version 01.02.0200 (4 July 2018 & later).
  • Default MEP offset updated for USB workflow for Inspire 2, related to DJI f/w 01.02.0200.
  • Fixed bug that causes USB workflow failures when photo times are not fully contained in DAT time range.
  • Removed DroneDeploy workflow option due to issue with DroneDeploy not reading camera calibration data from images.

August 17, 2018 – Version 2018.1.49

  • Fix compatibility issue with new M200/M210 firmware updates.

August 8, 2018 – Version 2018.1.48

  • Source file selection now validates for “total coverage” in addition to overlap when selecting files in the wizard or Edit Flight dialogs . (7791)
  • Fixed an issue with an  the Interpolate Camera event failing with a “TimeSpan overflowed because the duration is too long” error message. (7803)

July 31, 2018 – Version 2018.1.47

  • Re-enabled support for DJI M200/M210 with DJI firmware version 01.01.0911 and fixed problems introduced in ASPSuite 2018.1.41.0 for previous firmware versions (7772)
  • Just before GNSS Trajectory step, ASPSuite now validates the Date and Time range of the Navigation File (rover or broadcast) and informs the user if there is no overlap. (7765)
  • On the Auto-Download Ephemeris page, ASPSuite now validates that the Navigation files cover the Date and Time range of the SBF. If it doesn’t then bad solutions and/or empty POS file may result. (7756)
  • Auto-Select SBF by Folder now first uses the Date and Time built into the file name to search for the correct SBF. This allows for the selection of a folder (i.e. Loki folder) containing many SBF files without it taking a very long time. (7754)

July 17, 2018 – Version 2018.1.45

  • Improve DSLR processing by pre-filtering of extraneous camera events.

July 13, 2018 – Version 2018.1.44

  • Fixed an issue with scaling that caused the Edit Flight – Images dialog to display incorrectly.
  • Updated message box on Flight Wizard/Edit Flight when user selects an invalid DAT file.
  • Added option to Renew Roaming license to Roaming License Expiration warning dialog.
  • When running a command line executable, ASPSuite checks for “Execute” permission and displays error message if permission is denied.
  • New Warnings tab on Options dialog to turn off certain warning messages.
  • Removed option to “Leave Files in Original Location” from Flight Wizard/Edit Flight dialogs. Files will always be copied into the project’s flight folder.
  • NOTE:  DJI M200/M210 support is limited to DJI firmware version 01.01.0900 (Apr 16 2018) and earlier.

July 10, 2018 – Version 2018.1.43

  • Fixed issue where image headers were not updated by the Repair Photo Heights tool (7710)

July 5, 2018 – Version 2018.1.42

  • Updated RTKLib and settings (7705)

June 29, 2018 – Version 2018.1.41

  • Fixed an issue with the Date/Time range of DAT file when on Win7 Enterprise (7665)
  • Adds support for 01.01.0199 M200/M210 f/w update in addition to still supporting previous f/w versions (7688)
  • Added support for a Proxy Server when downloading Ephemeris files. Added Proxy Server settings on the Options dialog. (7689)
  • Fixed an issue with downloading Ephemeris file with Proxy Server, will always use Proxy SErver if selected in Options dialog. (7691)
  • Added user credentials to Proxy Server settings on Options Dialog. (7696)

June 12, 2018 – Version 2018.1.39

  • Added support for AUSGeoid2020. (7654)
  • Fixed an issue with licenses that allowed you to check-in licenses even when not connected to License Server. (7653)

May 31, 2018 – Version 2018.1.35

  • Fixed a Date/Time format compatibility issue on the Images page of the Flight Wizard/ Edit Flight dialog. (7620)

May 30, 2018 – Version 2018.1.34

  • Add Processing page to Flight Wizard/ Edit Flight dialog with project specific option settings. (7588)
  • Modifying a property on the Edit Flight dialog will set the current processing step back only as far as necessary to implement the modification. (7589)
  • Added UTC Time column to the Images page of the Flight Wizard/ Edit Flight dialog, uses selected time to compute image UTC times. (7593)
  • Added license expiration warming. (6780)
  • Added a notification that fixed an issue with the Ephemeris file which timed out and failed without notifying user. (6821)
  • Added support for dual Gimble offset. (7456)
  • Expanded license string dialog so all characters will be visible. (7574)
  • The Date/Time of the Base Station observation file will be validated against the Date/Time of the Rover SBF file and the results will display after browsing. (7596)
  • Success/Failure messages that display after each step have been standardized for clarity and will reference the step name. (7609)

May 21, 2018 – Version 2018.1.31

  • Updated Options dialog, added General and Advanced tabs. (7569)
  • Updated Ephemeris Tab of Project/Flight set-up wizard to include FTP site links. (7519)
  • Modified Auto-download Ephemeris to download GPS versions when GPS+GLONASS is not
    available and offer option to use GPS files. (7567)
  • Added M-210 Mount I and M-210 Mount II to the MEP/Lever Arm Offsets list on Rover page of Flight Wizard/Edits dialog. (7551)
  • Fixed an issue where the UTC DateTime range failed when extracting SBF when the SBF spans a GPS week and affected selection of SBF file and down stream processing. (7552)
  • Added a combobox to Options dialog to specify Signal-to-Noise Ratio Masks used to eliminate satellites with low SNR values during GNSS Trajectory processing. (7553)
  • Expanded list of supported Geoids has been added to the Geoids pulldown menu in the Options dialog. (7555)
  • Resolved issue that caused ASP to incorrectly convert local times to UTC which led project to fail when browsing for DAT file while using Windows 7. (7466)
  • Fixed an issue to remove bad satellites from downloaded Ephemeris files. (7488)
  • Fixed an issue with language/cultural number formatting with swapped comma/periods. (7566)

April 18, 2018 – Version 2018.1.23

  • Updated Options dialog, added RTKLIB version radio buttons. (7451)
  • Added Glonass satellites in ASPSuite Processing to Options Dialog. (7447)

April 11, 2018 – Version 2018.1.21

  • Fixed an issue that caused ASPSuite to fail when multiple Base Observation Files are RINEX 3.0 format. (7433)

April 6, 2018 – Version 2018.1.20

  • Added  button to License Dialog to Renew the current license for the default number of roaming days. (7391)
  • Upgraded TEQC.EXE to latest version. (7409)
  • In Options Dialog, added option to convert Base Observation File to RINEX 3.0 prior to RTK processing. (7412)

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