AirGon Support has written 148 articles

Viewing two trajectories side-by-side in ASPSuite

Sometimes it is useful to view two flight trajectories side-by-side to ensure the correct amount of coverage is achieved. The following steps explain how to open to solutions in ASPSuite’s diagnostic window. Note: These steps assume the user has processed two flights through ASPSuite so that a pos file has been create for each flight.…


ASPSuite Error: Camera Event Interpolation FAILED!

While processing the Camera Event Interpolation step in ASPSuite, a user receives the error message, “Camera Event Interpolation FAILED! Index was outside the bounds of the array.” If you are using Loki with an M200/210 series or Phantom 4 Pro, you must plan and fly your mission in DJI GS Pro. The image positions will…


Metashape: When using dedicated GPUs, please turn off integrated GPUs

Integrated GPUs will be included in the list of available devices (Tools>Preferences> GPU tab) if they are recognized by Metashape. To disable them, uncheck the box next to the GPU in the list which you wish to disable.  It will be up to the user to know if the GPU is integrated or dedicated. Metashape will…


DJI: Missing photos from first part of your flight

Your flight application indicated you collected more images than you are downloading from your SD card. The images you downloaded all seem to be from the end of the flight, and the images from the first part of the flight are missing. The number sequence of your photos reached 999, a new folder was created,…


Phantom 4 RTK – Compass Calibration Instructions

Below are step-by-step instructions showing how to perform the compass calibration for the Phantom 4 RTK. Once in “Fly” Mode, tap the ellipse in the top right corner of the screen: In “Aircraft Settings”, scroll to the bottom of the options and tap “Advanced Settings”: Tap “Sensors”: Tap “Calibrate Compass”: Follow calibration instructions.


Metashape: No Photos Selected when Filtering Photos by Marker

You have imported your control points into Metashape, but when you filter by marker, no photos are selected by the filter and are not visible in the photos pane. You have not run the alignment step. Run the alignment step first, then filter photos by marker. The vertical datum of your images and control points…


Metashape: Changing Interface Theme

When you download Metashape, you may notice the interface theme is grey and contains no color. Use the following steps to change the theme to color display. Open Metashape. Click tools> Preferences. On the General tab, change the theme from “Light” to “Classic”. Click Apply. You should receive a prompt that the theme will be…


Downloading Data for Phantom 4 RTK – PPK Processing in ASPSuite

Downloading Flight Data The following steps provide instructions for downloading your flight data for Phantom 4 RTK processing in ASPSuite. 1. Remove the SD card from the aircraft and insert into your laptop. 2. The SD card will contain two folders: DCIM Survey 3. The Survey folder will contain the data recorded during the planned…


ASPSuite End User License Agreement

All our products require acceptance of an End User License Agreement (EULA) which can be found at the following location once the software is installed: Open ASPSuite Open Windows Task Manager Right-click on ASPSuite in the Processes tab and select “Open file location” This will typically open a location such as, “C:\Users\%user%\AppData\Local\Apps\2.0\AH9G1ZQJ.JGV\KLCMKRK1.V37\asps..tion_753cade1de3b952f_07e3.0001_2a83f2bc0b80d0c2”, where %user% is…
