GeoCue Support has written 724 articles

Error Generating TSTrajectory File with SOL

User encounters an “Error Generating TSTrajectory File with SOL” while trying to create TerraScan trajectories in GeoCue, “An attempt was made to move the file pointer before the beginning of the file.” The sensor trajectory file is over 2GB in size causing an indexing issue. Reduce the file size to below 2GB by clipping unnecessary…


Only getting Viewer License in LP360 for ArcGIS

When I open ArcGIS, the toolbars for LP360 are greyed out. The Extensions tab only shows a “Viewer” level license. The Viewer license level is not a valid license level for LP360 for ArcGIS. On the LP360 Main Toolbar, there is a dropdown used to access License Manager, which the user may use to change…


Insufficient Resources Available in Dispatch Manager

Distributed tasks don’t seem to take full advantage of the available Distributed Subtask Licenses (DSLs). When the task is running, the first pending subtask in Dispatch Manager under the “Pending Reason” column reads “Insufficient Resources Available”. Insufficient resources available means the available machine resources are less than the predicted usage of the command being run,…


Failed to load point cloud task.(17900)

launching lp360 in arcgis get the following error message: Caller’s Message: Failed to load point cloud task.(17900) Exception Information: HRESULT: 0x800401f3 Unable to retrieve extended COM error information. This error message can occur when attempting to install an older version of LP360 than what was previously on the machine. The message usually indicates that one…


Where can I see my Licenses in GeoCue?

How can I check my licenses and license usage in Geocue? GeoCue License Monitor on the GeoCue Server Machine shows dynamic license usage. License monitor has a table for in-use percentage over a period of time (set in settings), and a drop down menu to choose which license you’d like to visualize. It can be…


Adjusting Intensities in GeoCue

When creating a greyscale (or inverted greyscale) LIDAR Ortho Raster, you may want to adjust how your intensity values are displayed in the output image(s). Off: This does not apply any adjustment to the intensities. Automatic (per image): Each image is automatically adjusted based on a % clip algorithm. The algorithm works by setting a…
